
Of Sweet Dreams


"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Kaia asked when morning came. He had woken up early and went to check on Rania in her room, but when he got there, he didn't find her.

However, he could smell her in the alpha's office, which could explain why he was standing by Rania's door, watching as she worked through the war plans to invade Calindra.

She had been studying these plans for so long that they were engraved in her head, but she needed to be sure.

Mercy wasn't going to be an option because Rania believed that mercy made people weak.

Mercy got people to bend to the will of others and mercy for the cruel, was a poison to the pained who needed justice.

"I have been planning this for the day I knew what Yanna did and how he defended her when I was hurting because of her," Rania said as she looked at the knights on her little chessboard.

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