
"I don't know you so I don't like you!" 1

Two days passed and finally Isabel was back home, back to the varia villa.

In those two days, Eden had told her about everything that has happened these years that have passed.

But he didn't tell her about what had happened between Sarah, he and Mia.

He didn't want to Force so much on her and just made things brief.

He was going to tell her everything little by little, so she won't go crazy like the Doctor had said.

But for some reason, her bond with Sarah just continued to grow.

However she and Mia Haven't even had a proper conversation since she woke up, and Eden noticed that immediately.

Of course, Annabel was back with them and Eden wasn't aware of what had occurred with her and how she tried to kill herself.

Dinner was brief, and they all went back to their protective rooms.

Isabella went back to her old room and was busy looking through her drawing book all the night.

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