
Search For The Lost Sister

The two knights stood up as well to follow the prince but they heard him say, "Wait for me here." 

Outside of the tavern, Rhian found Mad John swaying on his feet,  still mumbling his discontent and cursing those people who laughed at him. Rhian thought about how to best approach an old man like him.

He approached the old man and held his arm, helping him walk.  "Let me help, Grandpa."

John looked at the unfamiliar young man with heavy-lidded eyes. "Who are you?"

"I am just a traveler. I saw you struggling to walk so I thought to help you."

The old man chuckled. "You are a thoughtful young man."

The prince didn't comment and asked him where he was headed. He helped him walk in the direction of his house. "Grandpa, I heard you talking about some dragon and hidden kingdom."

"They all think I am making up stories. No one believes me."

"I believe you," he said. "Will you tell me more?"

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