

Ava squinted at the police who were currently talking to Marylis and Phil. So far, they hadn't found the source of the explosion or the fire. They were just here to ask more questions.

"The house is big enough." Matthew shoved his hands into his pockets. He was standing next to Ava. "You can always ask them to stay here."

"No. No one lives in Gabriella's house anyway."

"If you are worried— "

"I have a bad feeling about this," Ava said. "The police couldn't find out anything about the explosion. How is that even possible? It feels like…" Like someone wanted them to stay with Ava. " They can't stay here." Her decision was final. She can't let them stay and show that she cared. Taking them there should be enough.

"Your brother… might want to stay," Matthew said.

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