
I Can Speak Monkeynese

{ Keep up with us if you can. } The monkey king explained and launched himself towards one of the trees.

The other monkeys followed his example and started retreating to their home. Jason watched them go before taking a deep breath.

He activated his lightning steps and directly jumped on top of one of the branches. The sudden change in weight almost made the branch snap yet Jason had already jumped on another branch.

He continued to jump from branch to branch and in no time, Jason had caught up with the monkey king.

{ You are quite good. } The monkey king said with a surprised expression. He had been expecting Jason to slowly jog and follow them.

He had been planning to leave behind some of his members to guide Jason but there was no need to do it.

"So we can reach there in fifteen minutes now?" Jason casually questioned while traveling beside the king.

{ If you can go even faster, we can reach the place in less than ten minutes. } 

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