
Food and different species (R1)

Redlichia's base station was in front of the palace, maintaining his majesty, and the ancestral lively fish was bouncing in the hands of several of Redlichia's sons.

But his sons could not wait to tell the people of the God-given city, standing on the ledges and shouting loudly.

"Look! This is the food that God has provided for us!"

"Patriarch fish!"

Redlichia's eldest son held the original patriarch fish, bent down, looked everyone in the eyes with inspiring eyes, and spoke shocking words.

"God also taught the great king of wisdom how to create food, so we will get a steady supply in the future."

"Beginning today"

"In the god-given city, no one will starve to death, and there will be danger of falling into the deep sea."

He knelt towards the pyramid after finishing his speech, holding the patriarch fish high.

He kissed the ground with his hands raised high.

It appears almost insane.

Redlichia's second son bolted from the stage: "God created the King of Wisdom, us, and food for us that only the King of Wisdom's race can enjoy."

"The supreme lord who made all things in the world is God, and the king of wisdom is the supreme king of all intelligent creatures."

"We are the fated race that rules over the earth and the seas, as well as God's eldest son."

"Only God and the King of wisdom can guide and illuminate us."

They snarled and raised their arms in unison.

Some people began to doubt the majesty of the king of wisdom and God's power some time ago.

A few people desired to flee the God-given city in order to seek a way out, and their status was also jeopardized.

Although Redlichia, the king of wisdom, possesses a mind capable of controlling the power of all Triloman, he is clearly unwilling to directly enslave all Triloman in this manner, as if God did not oblige his will.

Redlichia's sons are eager to announce such shocking news, to inform every one of God's steadfast power to create all things and the identity of the king of wisdom as God's substitute.

Is demonstrating their rights and status as well.

They are the King of Wisdom's sons, and they should be born to replace the god and the king of wisdom as rulers of all living beings.

Triloman are infested the rough and simple structures made of massive stone.

The front of the King of Wisdom's place was thronged with people.

Their outer armor was either dark or light, tall or short, and men and women were split into groups that stood on both sides.

The Triloman collectively looked up at the King of Wisdom and the God-given thing.

The patriarch fish refracted and exuded light in the sun.

When Redlichia finally spoke, he appeared to be more composed and relentless than his sons.

In some ways, he has been imitating his creator, as if the aloof should take the floor at this manner, and the words are more convincing.

"We are a race that believes in God."

"There is not any difficulty that can stump us in this world, whether it is the earth or the ocean."

"We are bound to become the most brilliant civilization on the planet, always shining brightly under the stars."

The crowd broke out in cheers, and the raucous voice shook the entire god-given city, even reaching the temple of the pyramid.

"Ince god!"

"The Wisdom King."

"No one can stop us!"

"We will finally vanquish the sea and dispel all darkness."

This time, everyone in Triloman felt God's majesty.

Everyone's face is flushed with optimism.

A large portion of the island is swamped, with plants growing beneath the water and moss growing along the edges.

Some of these swamps are directly connected to the sea, while others are self-contained and change with the tide.

The Triloman of the God-given city gathered around these swamps, carrying large stone basins one after the other, in which patriarch fish, large and small, tumbled and splashed, splashing water.


Triloman poured the patriarch fish into a swamp, soaking many of those present, but everyone laughed, breaking the usual silence.

"Come on!"

"There is always something there."

Then the area where the high tide connects was enclosed and blocked with stone.

"Does it keep increasing as I pour it in?"

"So says the King of Wisdom."

"This is something given as a gift from God, and there are methods bestowed as a gift from God."

When Redlichia, the King of Wisdom, approached, everyone knelt and formed a line in front of the swamp and the coast.

Redlichia's gaze was important to consider his sons, who looked on with anticipation, hoping that Redlichia would choose them.

This is a view of greater authority than others.

Once you have mastered the god-given patriarch fish, you have mastered the food of the entire god-given city.

The King of Wisdom, on the other hand, finally looked straight at his eldest daughter.

She wore the same white outer armor as the queen and was no less thin and slender.

"Beginning today"

"You are in charge of protecting and guarding the patriarch fish.

It is our food and the future of the land that God has provided us with."

She knelt down after looking surprised at the King of Wisdom.

"Wisdom, Great King!"

"I must protect these patriarch fish and carry out the responsibilities you have assigned to me."

That is all.

Triloman's female group began to claim their rights as well.

A large number of female Triloman followed the King of Wisdom's eldest daughter into the swamp to care for and breed patriarch fish.

The majority of the time, they would be dive into the water and observe the fish below.

Is analogous to a shepherd driving her flock.

These patriarch fish were first bred by female Triloman in the island's marshes.

They fed the patriarch fish using the method taught by the Insight and cared for them in accordance with the patriarch fish's habits.

They watched as the patriarch fish began to reproduce and multiply.

It is much like copying and growing.

This method of cultivating patriarch fish, according to Triloman, contains infinite secrets and is the supreme power of the god.

They have mastered the god's knowledge, as well as the power of reproduction and life control.

The god changed their way of fishing and survival, and they have had complete control over the world's survival since then.

Redlichia's eldest daughter stood in a swamp surrounded by stone, watching ancestor fish being caught one after the other, blooming with life's vitality.

There was a scene on the coast next to the swamp where all the Triloman cheered for the good harvest.

"Life is indeed full of miracles!"

sighed the white female Triloman.

"But the god has the incredible power to easily create and bestow such miracles."

They were definitely free of the burden of food as a result of this.

They are placed in a god-given city, make their living through breeding and fishing, and worship Redlichia.

This place, as the King of Wisdom stated, is truly a god-given place, a place blessed by God.


In a swamp.

Several patriarch fish swim freely in the sand, looking for tiny creatures to eat.

They were surprised to find a hole leading to the ocean when they suddenly went deep.


When the water bubble appeared, the leading fish dove into the hole.

The patriarch fish swam away from the swamp and into the vast ocean.

A new species appeared in the ocean at this time.

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