
The hidden door

He heard the sound of footsteps rushing into the room where he was in. The dark priests must have sensed that something happened to one of their comrades. His sense of gamer gave him the feeling of waiting to get rid of those priests as well but it was risky.

He darted outside and hid behind the drapes. Mostly, if the priests came, they would focus on the corpse and the open door. It would give him time to run away once they got inside. As expected, a bunch of dark priests rushed near him. They found the corpse and how he was killed.

"What shall we do now? Our leader is dead. It must be someone powerful."

"We need to seek revenge."

"I am more interested in choosing a new leader."

"That's gonna be me!"

They headed inside the room after searching the corpse; they didn't find the amulet so they thought it was some kind of another dark priest. Only dark priests could use the power contained in the amulets of the dark cults.

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