
Chapter 77 - Lie Because For The Trauma She Has *NOT EDITED YET*

Off day. Aleya had the day off and was confused about what to do. Actually, she wants to visit home and meet Ivory and Gabriel. But she is still upset with both of them.

Finally, Aleya abandoned her plan. She chose to clean her apartment, even though it wasn't too dirty. She checked to see if any of her food supplies had run out and perhaps she would go shopping as well.

When she was done, she got a message from Tracy inviting her to take a tour and of course Aleya wanted to because she was bored and she had no plans other than to go shopping for her apartment.

Aleya got ready and left her apartment. She walked a little farther to the shopping center. She would use her strength to walk to the shopping center. After all, no one would know about her except... Leo.

She saw Tracy waiting at the lobby of the mall. Aleya immediately approached and greeted her by touching her shoulder.

"Hey," Aleya greeted.

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