
Do you have any proof?

When Chen Yuzhou saw his eldest daughter arriving in the hall, he commented with a slight sneer. "The lost girl finally comes back home." 

Bai Liyue ignored his comment and took a seat. "Why did you bring me here?" 

Chen Yuzhou shrugged and put the documents away. "Ziyue, you are getting married. So you should stay at home for a few days and not meet some irrelevant people." 

"By irrelevant people, do you mean Qin Yufeng, father?" she raised her brows. 

Chen Yuzhou's face darkened. Just the mere mention of Qin Yufeng's name was enough to get his heart irritated. He glanced at his eldest daughter and felt worried upon seeing the sheer amount of defiance and arrogance in her eyes. It was clear that the wrong kind of man was influencing his eldest child. 

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