
the changes

"rewards have been calculated."

After that, a golden light enveloped Alex and Emily, and both of them felt a stinging pain in their head.

"10.000.000 INBs have been added to your account."

"Legendary stat "regeneration" has been added to your stats."

"you can only improve the said stat by using free stat points."

Alex was astonished; in his previous life, the person who completed this quest only got a rare stat called "telekinesis."

This telekinesis, of course, was different from what Alex did when he first got the system and was able to move the soda can.

If someone wanted to unlock telekinesis stat, they must practice for years until they can easily move heavy objects.

But now Alex got a legendary stat, and "regeneration" at that, 'does this mean that I can regenerate lost limbs?' he thought, then looked at Emily and asked, "what did you get?"

Emily, who was still dazed by the pain, looked at her notifications and said, "I got ten million INBs, and a legendary stat called charm."

"charm? What is that? How could such a thing be a legendary stat?" said Alex but then shrugged his shoulders and said, "if it's a legendary stat, then it must be good."

Nikoid looked at them with a satisfied grin on her face and said, "are you happy with your rewards? They are very hard to get stats; you are probably the only ones outside specific races with such stats."

"yes, thank you," said Alex as he bowed his head slightly, "but now we must go; we don't have much time. Nimoid, say your goodbyes, and let's go."

Nikoid's face turned ugly when she heard Alex say that. "why should Nimoid come with you? He will stay here with his family."

Alex didn't say anything more and just brought out the slave contract he had and showed it to Nikoid.

Nikoid was furious as she looked at Nimoid and shouted, "you dumbass, why did you sign such a contract?"

"but…." As Nimoid wanted to talk, Alex cut him short and said, "he didn't; I defeated him in battle; therefore, his life is mine."

Alex didn't even think twice before trying to extort the fairies.

Right now, with his strength, he didn't need a powerful slave; instead, what he needed the most was resources, and there was no way better than extortion from the wealthy family in front of him.

As if Nikoid saw through Alex's intentions, she just smiled warily and said, "what do you want in return for my brother's freedom?"

Alex went straight ahead and listed a bunch of stuff he needed, "you can either give me one legendary item related to forging plus ten epic ones, or a legendary Recipe for a potion, or you can also give me a legendary forging blueprint or ...."

"ok, ok, stop," Nikoid interrupted him and said with a bleeding heart, "I agree with your first demand, I will give you a legendary forging hammer and ten epic ingredients. Is that enough," then she thought, 'there is no way I give you a legendary Recipe or blueprint.'

"ok then, you have a deal," said Alex and brought out a contract stating that the slavery contract would be destroyed after receiving the stuff they agreed on.

Nikoid wasn't as naïve as Nimoid or her parents, she took her time reading the new contract, and after making some "adjustments" to it, she signed it.

Alex, too, signed the contract, and they both reached an agreement.

"wait here for me; I will get the stuff you want," said Nikoid before diving into the river.

All this time, her parents and brother just stood there and looked at them, negotiating without a word. They knew that Nikoid wouldn't step into a trap as they did.

A few minutes later, Nikoid came out of the water again and dropped a heavy bag in front of Alex.

"you can go now," said Nikoid

Alex grabbed the bag, put it in his inventory without looking at it, and said, "no hard feeling, right?"

Nikoid looked at him and laughed, "hard feeling? Why? You asked for so little in exchange for the life of the fairy prince; even if you asked for a mythic hammer, I would have given it to you,"

Alex's face turned pale at the thought of a mythic level forging hammer; there was so much that person could do with it. But what was done was done, and there was no going back.

Nikoid, of course, was bluffing to make Alex feel miserable, even if it was for a second. She didn't have a mythic level hammer or any other mythic item for that matter.

But if you asked Nikoid, the look on Alex's face was worth a hundred mythic items.

"ok then, we will take our leave now, don't get into trouble again," said Alex and turned to leave.

_ _ _ _

After going back to the hotel, Alex put all his 78 free stat points into regeneration and told Emily to do the same with her stats and put them into her new stat, charm.

After putting all his free stat points into regeneration, he instantly felt something in his body change.

It was like his metabolism had been accelerated. He could feel the blood running through his veins much faster than before and felt like some of his internal organs were changing.

Alex's mind couldn't handle so much change at once, and he fainted after the first few seconds, and his body went into shock.

The changes he felt were actually the result of the nanobots inside his body, changing it into a more efficient system.

Regeneration stat not only helped a person regenerate lost body parts, as its name suggested, but it also had a hidden function that helped a person's body become the best version it could.

It took around thirteen hours for the nanobots to finish changing his body without damaging it.

Putting all his free stat points into one stat at once was very risky since the body couldn't handle so much change at once.

Alex and Emily were both in the living room when they underwent all these changes, and they both fainted simultaneously.

When Alex woke up, the first thing that he noticed was that he was lying down in his bed, and Max was sitting next to his bed.

"uuh, what happened," a stinging pain assaulted his head as he started talking.

Max, who seemed to be reading something on his phone, looked up and sighed in relief, "you are finally awake; you made us so worried, man."

"what do you mean? How long have I been asleep for?"

"you were out for about a week."

"what?? were is Emily? Is she alright?" Alex instinctively jumped up to check on Emily, but his body didn't follow his orders and just fell from the bed.

"it's alright; the kids and aunt Leyla are with her; the doctor said you are just sleeping, and there isn't much to worry about. But first, you have to eat something to regain your strength."

Max helped him get back to his bed and gave him some light snacks to eat per the doctor's suggestion.

It didn't take long for Alex to get back to his full health, and he came out of bed to check on Emily when suddenly a scream was heard from her room.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hey guys

Thanks for the read

I'm reading the story from the beginning again so that I can develop it more accurately.

I'll be happy if you could help me and let me know about any inconsistencies in the story.


Let me know of any cool name you can think of for Max's siblings, I'm stuck with naming them. (Their last name is Black.)

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