
Isn’t That A Little Too Convenient?

"Are you telling the truth?"

Professor Orfina asked with a scrutinizing glare.

After the group had managed to escape from the forest, they were shepherded straight towards the medical tent, where Arvell's condition was being treated.

They'd force-fed Arvell various concoctions, aiming to heal his body, but none of them seemed to work.

In the end, Arvell told them that his body was fine, and he was just exasperated after the ordeal.

Somehow the medical team all believed him and decided to redirect their attention to the other injured examinees.

Arvell returned Professor Orfina's penetrating gaze with a soft-yet confident smile.

"Yes. We only managed to harm that beast to that extent because we threw an enflamed object into its mouth."

Titus nodded in agreement.

While Titus didn't see Arvell pull it off, if he was alive while the beast was covered in horrible burns, it was pretty clear what had happened.

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