
Tell Him (Ch.495)

Neveah's eyes widened slightly at Xenon's words, particularly at his tone.

That tone... that slow drawl, that animalistic undertone, how could Neveah not recognize it? How could she not recognize the darkness that had been Xenon's reality when she had first come to know him?

How could she not recognize the manifestation of Xenon's wild haze when she had gotten a taste of it for herself? Witnessed the very peak of his madness?

"Xe...xenon...you...how..." Neveah began, she was not sure what exactly she wanted to ask.

And even if she did have the right words to form her question, would Xenon even be able to provide her an answer?

It was now Neveah picked up on signs she should already have noticed the moment she set eyes on Xenon.

His claws were on full display, glinting and sharp, they had ripped their way out of his gloves.


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