
Hunt (I)

Warning! Entering a forbidden Dungeon of A Class level! Once entered, the enemy will know of your presence! Warning!

Alarmed, Zero took a step back, unsure if he wanted to dive. His hesitance caused Jorge to walk forward without even caring about the consequences.

"What are you scared of?" Jorge huffed, shaking himself a couple of times before he stepped in.

A thundering roar resounded throughout the cave, amplifying the sound and causing everyone to be in a mess of status ailments that hit them all in a full-blow swarm.

Temporary stunning effects are set for thirty seconds. You will not be able to move for the duration of time.

A temporary fear effect has set in for five minutes. After that, moving forward will be very difficult, with a high chance of fleeing.

A temporary blind effect has set in for one hour. This is because the harsh sound wave has caused your brain to lose focus and rattle your optic nerves because of sheer force.

Temporary loss of hearing has set in for one hour. The harsh sound wave has caused you a loss of hearing. Listening to another harsh sound is ill-advised, or hearing loss is insured.

Temporary confusion has set in for one minute. The harsh sound has caused all your senses to become jumbled up, making moving very difficult.

Because you are a Drezo Regalia, a certain status effect has increased. The Behemoth's power has specifically targeted all Drezo Regalia in the vicinity.

WARNING! WARNING! You have entered Behemoth's Territory! Behemoth knows of your presence. Therefore, it is highly advised that you leave the vicinity! WARNING! WARNING!

SEED SHARD QUEST has been temporarily forced on all Players and NPC in the vicinity!

Quest of the Holy Mantle

The Elven Hero, Samuel, was the last elf to hold onto the treasured legendary artifact that had been passed down by royalty. This Holy Mantle has the unique property of countering magic and protecting the wielder from prying eyes. The Queen of the Elven Kingdom has set up a special quest to enter the Dark Continent to retrieve her father's equipment.

<Special Seed Shard Side Quest: Behemoth>

Special Quest has been added. Survive against the Behemoth's attack and his swarms, take back the Holy Mantle, and make it back to the Elven City of Elements to use its city defensive magic against the Behemoth. General Liam must not die, or the Quest is forfeit.

Quest Level: A- (Increased in difficulty from B+)

Failure: Loss of levels and decrease in affinity with the Elven Queen. Incapable of resurrecting for one week.

Reward: One high-level piece of equipment of Eleven made armor or Weapon. Increase in affinity with the residents and the Elven Queen.

The Behemoth is among the many feared Demon Prince's army generals. Unless killed, all Drezo Regalias will be hunted down by the Behemoth's hunger.

"Damn it, Jorge! You had to step in?!" Zeraph yelled, pissed off. "I'm filled with status ailments and messages! How the hell did I complete my part of the Quest?!"

"What?!" Jorge shouted, fumbling around like a zombie. "I can't hear you!"

"When I find you, I'm going to throttle you!"

"Whaaaaaaat?! Repeat that?!"

"Ahhhh, Arrrggghhh!" Zeraph screamed at the top of his lungs.

"This damnable status ailment!" Jorge smacked himself against the wall while walking around, unable to do anything correctly.

"Noooooo!" Some of the players screamed in hysteria.

"We're going to die!"

"I can't see!"

"Who's there?"


"Someone save me!"

Other players could not move because of fear, while some took off from the cave, abandoning them.

In contrast, the Elven soldiers didn't scream or panic; instead, they were calm and collected. They knew what to do in such a situation and kept still for a moment to get rid of the majority of their status ailments that hit them.

Zero couldn't believe his luck, especially at a time like this. Even he was hit with a swarm of status ailments, regardless of being in his dragon form, making this the first time he had felt such effects in a long time. It reminded him of when he was back in his pup days, making him feel much weaker. His pride was smashed to a pulp, and he was reminded again not to be arrogant in his dragon form.

The other thing he noticed could bring him a slew of problems. Two of his five senses were blocked for one hour, meaning the fight against Behemoth or escaping from there would be troublesome. This was a very unfavorable situation. In one hour, many things could happen that could cost them their life.

What made this experience worse was the Demon General Behemoth's presence in the cave, meaning there was a hundred percent chance that all the Drezo Regalia would be destroyed. He knew now that he needed to kill the Behemoth somehow, but the question was how.

The power he could feel in the cave didn't compare to when he fought with other bosses. Instead, it was like he was back to the time when he fought the Demon Hero Lilith. Even still, the thought of fighting something stronger than him made his dragon instincts both excited and afraid.

Even though Zero was swamped with status ailments, he stood in place, waiting for everything to clear. He had to focus as best as possible and use whatever other senses he had left to feel his surroundings. It was difficult, but his dragon senses could quickly compensate for hearing and sight loss.

Instead, the sense of touch, smell, and taste are amplified by five folds. Allowing him to feel things he had never felt before; he could now sense in the dark. Even though he couldn't see, the closer the people, the more pungent the smell. Sometimes, he could taste his surroundings with his tongue, giving him a low-grade heat vision like a snake.

His eyes were quickly replaced as he strained hard to redirect his other senses more in his favor. It took a couple of minutes, but his dragon body was doing everything for him. Now he could see through a different source of vision, allowing him to see in a more advanced heat vision. He didn't have to worry much about hearing or seeing through his regular eyes anymore.

You have gone beyond your handicap and were able to redirect your sense. You are now able to use Heat Vision in your dragon form.

Another ability he could sense was the vibration on the ground, giving him a 3D-like map in his head. The bustling of thousands of feet gave him a good idea of how a portion of the cave was made.

You have gone beyond your handicap and were able to redirect your sense. You can now create 3D maps using the vibration in the ground.

Thrilled at what he received, he swiveled his head back and forth, taking a good look around him. All of his status ailments dropped, leaving him with only two. He could feel the priest that followed along with them casting Recovery to combat most of the status ailments, but they couldn't eliminate the two major ones: Sight and Sound. They could only reduce the time by thirty minutes, but even then, they didn't have enough power to go through every soldier.

They could only heal themselves and a handful of important officials until they recovered some of their magic, and the army didn't move because they lost sight and sound. General Liam sat still on his horse, unmoving as he contemplated what to do. Thankfully, his horse was a war horse and didn't bolt as easily as the rest of the others.

Zero scanned his surroundings and saw a couple of other distinctive heat sources. One was bright, giving a hot radiating power that wasn't too far away from his location. Something about the power was the complete opposite of what they had just felt; it was calm and inviting. At the same time, the second source was lively and dangerous. He could also feel where the source of all the problems was, meaning that was the Behemoth.

Luckily, Behemoth was a long way off, giving them some time. But then, Zero saw General Liam start moving toward the calmer of the two heat sources, making Zero wonder if he noticed it too.

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