
Prince Sevastian Alexandrovich Part 2

So he did. Sevastian decided to apply for a job as an advisor to the Emperor. He has the capabilities to do so and this would offer him an opportunity to know more about the mysterious change of the emperor.

But before attempting to do so, he knew to himself that it would be rude if he just applied outright. In the days of uncertainty for the Royal Family, Sevastian was observing, behind the scenes. Fortunately, there was a chance at the time of Alexander's coronation ceremony and he attended it.

It was in the Grand Kremlin Palace where he first saw Alexander in the last couple of years. What thing he noticed was the aura Alexander was giving off. It was authoritative that if a person entered his room and Alexander shot them a glare, they'll subconsciously start to get submissive and bow their head. 

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