
Birth of a New Art Part 2

Alexander exited the makeshift studio to see the reactions of the crowd in the Imperial Dynamic Systems stall, which by now after the demonstration of the new device, has become the largest one in the venue.

Imperial Guards dressed in formal suits congregated around him with keen eyes, scanning every inch of the exhibition for threats. Alexander, however, was quite content to ignore them and enjoy his time glancing at the stalls showing their inventions and products. He did it out of pity as attention to them diminished greatly, word by mouth pique the curiosity of the visitors infectiously and soon people swarmed to only one stall in the exhibition.

He did not go far as Alexander was met with hundreds...no thousands of people trying to squeeze themselves in just to see the product beyond it!

"It moves! The picture moves!"

"Let me see! Let me see!" 

"Oy! Stop pushing around!" 

"I can't get out!"

"OW! You are crushing me!"

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