
Revenge in Night

Yarns are like threads, just like spiritual energy is directly connected with the qi core of a cultivator or mana pool of a sorcerer. However, a spiritual technique is not only linked with the core but also with the brain.

The brain uses its ability to create a technique out of stored spiritual energy in the core, the thing connecting both core and brain are invisible threads called yarns. In spells, those yarns create circles. However, in skills, those yarns knit together to perform the skill.

Every spiritual technique needs a specific number of yarns to be learnt, the number of yarns needed for Gossamer Steps is 106

Fenrir shook her head. "I can but I won't."

However, the monstrous wolf then extended his palm and pointed at Ezra Zephyr. "But you can."

The prince was utterly confused, evidently unable to understand what he meant by that.

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