
796 Koleska are Improving

Nico prepared another round as Max's System Functions frantically worked on predicting the outcome of another round going at a Cutter. 


"Are we ready for the one-two punch?" Nico asked happily as Max's full-force Orbital Lance showed ready. 


"Let's do this. You fire, and I will pick the predicted location as soon as it vanishes." He agreed. 


"Split it into two charges the first time. Better odds of hitting the ship when it comes back." Nico suggested. 


That likely wouldn't destroy a Cutter, but it would put the fear of whatever gods the Arisen worshipped into the commander of the vessel. 


Nico fired her Mass Driver, but the glorious plan to determine the disappearance pattern was foiled at the last moment when the ship forcefully ejected a War Walker into the path of the projectile. 


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