
Who Killed Her?

Happy reading.

Neil rubbed his face, straightened his back, and piled his weight on the library desk. "Sorry, I didn't know you were the real Faiz."

Faiz who sat opposite Neil sighed, he flipped through the book carelessly then looked at Neil with an indifferent attitude and returned his gaze to the book.

"Faiz, I was in a mess at the time and couldn't hear you very well," Neil said in a half-whisper, he occasionally looked around in case other people would hear him.

"So, is it correct now?"

A sarcastic question from Faiz, Neil left hanging without an answer. They were silent again with their thoughts.

"So why did you get here?" Finally, Neil broke the silence, as he still felt guilty about his actions towards Faiz. Even though Neil didn't know him well, he knew that Faiz was Skylar's only friend.

"A classmate of mine said that I had to go to the warehouse and everything was going fast until I touched the mirror," Faiz said quietly without taking his eyes off the book.

Neil didn't know how to respond, he opened the book in front of him without any intention of reading. He was just trying to shift his focus for now, where Neil thought he was in this strange world wasn't as simple as Sain and Faiz did.

Remembering Sain, Neil felt his chest hurt when that night Sain didn't say anything after Neil unconsciously kissed him. Sain immediately lay down to sleep and left the next day without even telling Neil.

Neil knows what he did was a mistake, but the behavior of Sain makes Neil realize that he is the real trash. He probably wouldn't have felt this kind of pain, if only Sain had hit him back then.

Neil laid his head on the table and closed his eyes tightly which was immediately greeted by the faint buzz of voices in the library.

At times like this, he missed Michelia. Only the girl who always accepts Neil and listens to his complaints and Neil will also listen to how Michelia also talks at length with enthusiasm. Only Michelia knows how bad Neil's days are without Neil himself knowing what caused it.

Neil missed his best friend.

Neil immediately opened his eyes and sat up straight. grateful he chose a place in the corner of the room, away from surveillance. He glanced at Faiz who looked at him questioningly.

"I want to talk to Lia," said Neil even though Faiz didn't ask.

Faiz looked at him with wide eyes. "She's my cousin."

Neil nodded and smiled a little. "I know. He often talks bad about you to me."

"I guessed it, he would do that."

"Is she looking for us?" asked Neil jokingly.

"She must have lost her gossiping buddy when you were here," he said with his lips curled upwards.

"I'm not a girl," Neil protested quickly.

"I'd like to see then, to prove it. Your physique isn't that convincing."

Neil ignored Faiz and gathered his books together. "You bastard," Neil grumbled.

"People are blind if they think you and Skylar are alike it's hard to tell them apart."

"We're different, we just happen to be alike."

Faiz shook his head. "You never know the facts."

"Happy birthday to you and Skylar," said Faiz not waiting for Neil to respond instead he changed the subject, Neil was surprised when he forgot his birthday. He knew this little fact that Skylar was born on the same day, month and year as him only that it seemed strange to him.

Neil nodded and left leaving Faiz behind him.


"Lia," The wind blew around him, he leaned against the wall waiting for the phone to answer on the other end.

"Neil? Is that you?" Neil nodded even though he knew Michelia couldn't see him. His smile bloomed when at last he could hear Michelia's real voice again.

"Yeah, it's Neil," Neil whispered feeling his heart pounding as he waited for Michelia to return to answer.

"I looked for you everywhere, you disappeared suddenly. Are you okay?"

Neil slightly shook his head, but he replied "I'm fine you?"

"Of course I'm not fine, you disappeared and then Faiz." Michelia's tone seemed to rise.

"Don't worry Lia, we will be home soon."

Neil noticed the phone was disconnected from his cell phone suddenly turned off, he sighed tiredly and pocketed the phone in his trouser pocket.

Neil froze just one step he walked, he saw Sain was leaning against the wall without looking at him with clenched fists on both sides of his body m. He was sure Sain heard everything he said to Michelia, which somehow made Neil himself feel uncomfortable.

"Riksa?" call Neil.

Neil's chest felt like it was pinching as Sain was reluctant to look at him, he didn't even acknowledge the existence of Neil around him. Neil looked at the toes of his shoes and sighed tiredly.

One corner of Neil's lips rose, it was natural for Sain to act like this, and how disgusting and dirty Neil was with the perverted behavior he did to Sain at that time. Neil deserves this kind of treatment.

"Sorry, Riksa," whispered Neil who also couldn't even see Sain. He walked slowly leaving Sain, unconsciously Neil's tears had fallen down his cheeks which he quickly wiped. Neil didn't know why he was like this, why this hurt him so much.


When his feet carried him into the classroom. Neil was immediately startled by a large number of voices and the crowds of people crowding his seat.

Neil felt his heart race as he darted into the crowd and broke through to see what was wrong there. But when Neil had achieved what Neil wanted to see, he instantly felt his knees go weak and freeze where he was standing.

Neil's world seemed to fall apart, people began to drift away from his surroundings and faded from sight. The faint scent that Neil knew all too well pierced his senses of smell.

"Lia?" whispered Neil.

But he didn't get the answer Neil wanted. Until Neil shakily came closer to Michelia who was sitting on her stool with her head resting on the table.

Neil's hand flew to cover Michelia's neck until Neil's hand felt a thick liquid dirty his hand. "Michelia?"

Neil shook Michelia's body slowly, feeling how his despair was creeping up to the outermost surface.

"Lia wake up!" Neil shouted shaking Michelia's body.

"Only a fool wakes the dead." Someone shouted back at Neil right in his heart.

"He's not dead yet." Neil's eyes grew hot, at his own words. Neil's heart felt like it was about to jump out of his throat.

However, they are right that only fools wake the dead with their throats cut off.

Thank you for reading.

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