
Enter little bun

The silence of the Liu family men as their razor sharp gazes were staring intently at the delivery room was beginning to suffocate the women of the Liu family men.

Nana held her hands on her waist, exasperated. "Jinhai, what are you doing?"

"Praying for our first grandchild's safety."

"Everything will be fine, Jinhai. I understand it's Ai's first delivery but we are not going to war."

"It is war until I see my grandchild."

"War against who, Jinhai?" She dryly asked.

"Who knows?"


Then why are you giving the chilling looks as if somebody is going to die?


The men jumped up with Ai's yet another scream resounding in the corridor. Jian, who was next in line to become a father in a few months, narrowed his eyes. "Is Jun even protecting my sister-in-law?"

Leina asked, "From whom does Ai need protection?"

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