
Bright idea

Guiying might show that she was holding together at the outside but inside, she was racing towards an unknown destination at God knows what miles per hour.

"So, so! You are a writer, right? That's so cool!" Chen Liling sparkled. "In my brother and my families, everybody usually just grows up to become businessmen," she pouted. "Staying in one profession is so boring. That's why I am glad Jian, Nian and Nuo chose to be chefs. My boys here are all CEOs or President! We need to have colorful careers in our families too!"

Jianyu was unsure of what to comment on that.

Guiying coughed. Chen Liling's cheerfulness and glee was able to ease a little stress in her heart.

"Thank you…" but she quickly added next, "I am really sorry Mam-...Mrs. Chen. I just came unannounced like this…I-I really was unaware that Zixin will drive me here…"

Chen Liling pursed her lips. "Mrs. Chen is also no good. Call me Grandma!"


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