
Hesitation [1]

Hesitation was a strange feeling for someone with Damien's self-confidence. When it came to the battlefield, Damien never regretted a decision that he made.

To kill someone was to save himself. If anyone who antagonized him was allowed to live, he would be the one to die instead.

It had been this way since the beginning.

Even the smallest creatures in the First Dungeon has the power to rip him to shreds back then.

The past molded Damien into someone who didn't care about the potential benefits keeping someone alive could bring if it meant keeping a loose end untied.

To feel it now was strange.

'Baek Woojin…'

Damien did his research on the man after talking to Tyler. Baek Woojin was a decorated member of Heaven's Army, a part of the Hunting Dogs, and a defender of justice to the bone. Objectively speaking, he was the most upstanding citizen in the universe.

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