
Base [5]

It had taken an entire month for Damien to wipe out the 5 bases he saw on the plaque, though most of that time was spent traveling.

And honestly, the ones he met were nothing worth mentioning. He only got two pieces of useful information.

The first was that these 6 that he had killed were near the bottom rung of soldiers within the enemies. 

The division was relatively simple. There were the regular soldiers, which were usually the abominations that Damien had seen earlier. He found out that there were even abominations stronger than the canon fodder he saw, but they simply weren't necessary for this region.

Next came the Captains, who would usually take command over the abominations. After them, there were the generals who commanded the captains, the commanders who ordered the generals, and finally, there were 4 kings that had absolute control over all the rest.

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