

Having regained his senses, Nial felt as if his entire body was on fire.

Chugging down an entire vial of the healing serum, he didn't even realize that Kark and the others were looking at him oddly.

He was just focused on himself, and the fact that he had killed the horde of bison just as demanded.

Yet, sensing the weird mana fluctuations of the others, Nial was unable to remain quiet.

"What's wrong? I didn't steal anyone's prey, right?"

Unsure how exactly the allocation of prey worked in a team, Nial grew uncomfortable and felt as if he had been too greedy about killing the other bison.

However, he had wanted to show everyone that he was not as weak as they assumed him to be.

Little did Nial know, that this doubt was not only completely shattered, but that everyone was also scared of him now!

Nobody answered his question, which made him feel uncomfortable.

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