

After waking up, Nial felt as if his entire body had been torn apart, which caused a faint smile to emerge on his face.

Pain indicated that he was still alive, and being able to sense every single muscle that ached horribly when he tried to move, sending jolts of unbearable pain through his entire body was similarly reassuring because it meant that he wasn't missing out on anything.

When he tried to move,a fresh bolt of pain shot through his body, hitting his brain and making him see stars in broad daylight, but instead of slowing down, he continued to lift his upper body at the same pace.

Sensing that his body was barely coping with that burden, his smile widened.

At least, all his limbs and organs were intact though they hurt a lot, which was oddly reassuring.

As he struggled to get in a sitting position, he heard the voice of someone familiar, which caused him to turn his head as he mumbled with all the strength he had.

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