
What Did You Do ?

Drew : Please just let me out!!

Kaine: Wait Kaveh not until we leave.

Kaveh lays down Vira on the ground.

Drew: Don't be afraid of me, Kaine... I won't do anything to you now.

Heiji opens his eyes and sees Kaine smiling at him.

Kaine: It's ok, he didn't hurt me (sniff)

Kaveh:You may have to leave, though. So I could let them out.

Kaine helps Heiji up and walk away.

Drew: Why would you say that, Kaveh? Will they kill her if she is with child?

Kaveh: Well, for one thing, you are not engaged nor married. You just skipped the rules.

Drew: I have to go and escape with her.

Kaveh: So you do have feelings?

Opens the door and Drew punches his stomach.

Drew: For exposing her without her permission!!

Runs to her and carries her in his arms.

Both disappear.

Kaveh:Where would you take her?!


With Tatara waiting inside Drew's room.

Drew enters the room and sees Tatara.

Drew: Why are you here?

Tatara punches Drew in the face.

Tatara: How dare you make my sister choose!! When you knew she wouldn't ever refuse you!!

Drew spits out blood

Drew: She understood what she was going to -

Tatara: How can she? Where is she?

Drew: She chose me to love, and I love her back.

Tatara: If you are just going to use her, I will stop you.

Sorrianna barges in the room.

Sorrianna: She's gone crazy!! She's trying to kill the hunters.

Drew: She's safe with me Tatara, I have to go.

Sorrianna: Wait Drew, where are you -

Drew: Sorry, mother, I can't tell you.

Alexster: Tatara your crazy girlfriend has killed many of my good men.

Has her on a leash looking down.

Anna: Tatara stop this for me !!! It hurts so much !!

 Crying out in pain, her tears are red because the leash is burning her eyes.


Alexster:That was before she went and killed my men.

Anna: He killed my ..... parents, the one that looks like you !! I was afraid of him, and he led me towards Drew to get bitten.

Alexster: Looks like me, you mean my other son, Kareem?

Anna: You Mundi Family lie to the masses that you're hunters, but in reality you are just the same as vexed bloods. Just killing your kind!!

Alexster: That's a lie, we are hunters because we don't have your stupid blood color. Mundi are hunters of Vile and Vexed blood positives. You will die with that rumor.

Anna: Tatara!!?

Tatara: Don't you dare, Alexster !!

Throws a dagger to knock out the sword from his hands.

Alexster: You forget I can do what I want !!

Stomps on her back and keeps stomping on her, going down to her lower back. Crushing her bones.

Anna: Just...go... Tatara...

Sticking out her hand for Tatara to just snaps out of fury. Slashes Alexster's neck.

Sorrianna just freezes and stares at Tatara.

Tatara breathing fast and looks at how Anna is lifeless next to Alexster.

Tatara: (laughs) So you were right, you do have red blood, Alexster.

Sorrianna: Why did you do that??!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Tatara: He started this mess, I will end it with his head.

Sorrianna covers her mouth in disgust.

Tatara: Your family killed my beloved twice now!!!


Sorrianna shaking and quickly goes to the door.

Sorrianna: Rem where are you!!?

Kareem: Mother !?, Thank goodness you are safe ...but someone is here ...killing our men-

Sees Tatara lifting his father's head.

Kareem: DID YOU DO THIS !!!

Looks at Tatara with anger.

Sorrianna: He did, he was only teaching him a lesson, but he snapped.

Kareem: We had a deal ...


Kareem looks around and sees Anna still moving.

Anna: Tata..ra... don't..kill... anymore!!

Tatara: I killed their king, there's no going back...

Sorrianna: We gave you shelter and this is what you do? Tatara you stupid fool.

Carries Anna in her arms.

Anna: Why help me?

Kareem: Wait mom!!!

Anna takes a bite of her neck.

Sorrianna: Take my blood, I don't want to be alone.

Collapses next to Alexster. It's done, the plan to eradicate them will start.

Anna quickly heals up and turns to Kareem.

Kareem: I can't be here !! Do what you want !!! Kill who you want.

Kareem teleports to Alice and Alleyson.

Kareem: We are leaving now, the castle was invaded by a higher up. They killed my father and mother. Let's go now !!

Alice: But where do we stay ?

Kareem: Damn it, to think Drew left at the wrong time.

At the secret hideout with Alleyson holding the baby.


With Drew and Vira at their hideout.

Drew looks angry at Mia.

Vira Mia is covered by a blanket, her sleeping by her right side.

Drew: I left my family, my royal role, I left everything for her... I'm incredibly jealous, man. So when he touched you to show me. I was mad!!

Uncovers Vira's body and turns her body facing up, reaches down her chest, stops at her bellybutton and lifts her nightgown.

Drew: How can you sleep when so many things are happening?

Her symbol doesn't stop glowing, and she turns her body back.

Drew: I would stay with you now. If that baby lives, I will cherish it and you.

Lays next to Vira and hugs her close to kiss her.


With Tatara and Anna

Anna : We made a bloody mess. To think his children left him to die.

Tatara: I don't know what came over me. To kill the people of the Contra Mundi.

Anna: My parents are avenged ,for being wrongfully accused!!. But look at you now Corvus Family and Mundi and Edmund!!

Tatara: There's really no going back.

Maralis: Great job Anna, you killed them ...your family is avenged.

Tatara: Who are you?!

Anna: Relax, they are from The Cult.

Maralis: Well yours is avenged, I have yet to find who went after my family.

Anna: Where is Xell?

Maralis: At home, with Marius safe. I don't want him to see this massacre you did so young. Very angry, you went for it.

Walks around and sees Sorrianna and Alexster.

Maralis: Oh, they really got it here. Who died first?

Tatara: Alexster did, then it was Sorrianna.

Maralis: Let's get out of here before you guys get reported.

All teleport to The Cult Hideout.


With Vira memories age 7

Vira: Mom, I want to be the one for Drew. His gaze when he sees me. It's breathtaking.

Rubine: You do understand if he doesn't choose you then you lose. What made you fall for him ?

Vira: He is caring and loves his friends. Okay, he gave me this ...(shows the flower crown to Rubine.)

Rubine: Let's keep this safe here.

Rubine puts the crown in a box safe.

Vira:I know you were just being nice to me when we're young. You didn't want your friends to know what you made. The fact still stands with me always. You crowned me to be....and I hope your wife in the future.

  You never pushed me away when we were young and we played together. You were so happy, and I loved that about you. When you turned 10 though, you changed your personality. You would push me away, gave me the cold shoulder. Sometimes not speak too me. I didn't like that one bit.

Vira runs towards Drew.


Vira age 9 Drew age 10 .

Vira: Why are you like this too me? (pouts)You weren't like this before...where is -

Drew: Don't you have somewhere to be? Away from me!!

Vira runs away and heads for his household.

Vira opens the front door and runs to Alexster room.


Alexster:We have rules here, Miss Noir.

Vira: Why did his personality go away???WHAT DID YOU CHANGE, WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HIM!!!???

Alexster: Listen to me Vira Mia Noir, we didn't change anything, it was the ritual everyone does. You yourself are almost 10 years old. You will be next.

Vira: The ritual? Why did this change him? He used to be sweet and -

Alexster: I suggest you go back home. You are wasting my time.

Vira runs to Alexster to hug him. 

Alexster: Crying won't faze me, child. Get off me!!

Vira crying: Bring him back to me!! I want the real Drew back !! Bring him back!! AHHHHHHHH!!

Alexster pushes her away, she hits the floor. He checks on her since she stopped crying but sees she starts bleeding out from her forehead.

Alexster: No, wait ...this can't be happening!!

Sorrianna: I saw what you did, you do know she is a child, right? 

Vira just staring at them arguing while she's bleeding out.


Drew stops kissing Mia and let's go of her. Gets off the bed and circles around the room to only walk back to her.

Drew whispers to her ears: Forgive me, Mia.

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