

Madara walked along the streets of Orario with his Familia beside him.

They were all talking and being jovial, the atmosphere around the group had made a small upturn of his lips show across his stoic face

But they didn't talk to him, they had learned from their interactions that he didn't like talking that much and he appreciated that.

Finally, they had reached their destination, The Hostess Of Fertility as it was called.

Madara sniffed the air and nodded, the food smelled adequate.

They walked in and were greeted by a cat girl

'She's strong' Madara immediately sensed a strong presence from the girl. Her presence reminded him of a shinobi, maybe an assassin?

He shrugged and walked with his comrades towards a table.

They ate and drank and had an all-around good time.

"So Mikoto how has your training been going" They all stopped when they heard Madara's voice.

Mikotos eyes widened a little bit but she started to show a genuine smile.

"Well I've been training immensely since you taught me last week and I've even been able to go down to the 7th floor with the help of our family members" Madara just nodded along as the normally stoic girl prattled on, a little tipsy.

"Maybe tomorrow I could bring you guys deeper, to show you how far you guys have to come" Madara not known for his tact, simply stated how weak they were.

Ouka's eyebrow twitched while the 3 girls just nodded solemnly.

Madara's stoic face moved to a more peaceful expression.

"Good, I would rather not see you die" He started eating his food again while his family members just sat there palming their faces. Tsundere

"Ah is everything going well over here" Madara turned his head to see a small human woman with grayish-blue hair.

Her presence was alarming, it was that of a god.

"Yes, it is, goodbye" Madara dismissed her and the women pouted at his rudeness before walking away.

"Madara-dono, that was not nice" Mikoto went to admonish the boy.

"She was a god trying to act like she was not, I did not like the situation" The boy did not even look up from his food to talk.

All of the family members immediately grew a little concerned, why would a goddess try to act like a waitress? What was she doing? Why did she come to their table? What was the point of acting like a mortal?

But they calmed down when Madara just kept on eating, acting as if nothing had happened. The boy was a calming presence for the group.

If the Elemental Nations had ever heard of Madara Uchiha having a calming influence on anyone, they would have thought the person was insane.

They continued to have a goodnight, Madara did not speak again but everyone was fine with it, the boy was shy after all. (mhm)

But what did ruin their fun was when the Loki family walked into the pub. Madara instantly looked towards the weirdest presence he had ever felt.

It was half human and half…divine? He was almost 100 percent sure that was impossible or at least used to be, so he immediately walked up to the blonde woman, with his family members going extremely pale.

'Oh, gods why' the whole group got ready to send prayers to their God for forgiveness.

Finn, the captain of the Loki Familia saw the boy's approach and was confused, his thumb started to tremble, but he didn't intervene when the boy spoke to their Sword Princess. He wanted to know what was going on.

Gareth and Rivera did not see their captain move so they didn't intervene.

Madara had no tact, but he did know that secrets were secrets, so his question was only able to reach the family's ears.

"How are you half divine?"

The woman in question immediately stopped in her tracks and looked at the boy. Loki on the other hand narrowed her eyes aggressively, as Finn just sighed, sometimes he should just go with his thumb and stop these types of things.

Gareth and Riveria were just staring at the boy, completely confused.

When Madara's family members saw this they all groaned and slammed their heads against the table, why was their friend always stirring up trouble? They still have to talk down Fannet-san every time he comes out of the dungeon, now he's making even the mighty Braver look sick.

Ais then recovered her normal stoic look, and gazed into Madara's eyes with an intense glare, the boy in question responded with a questioning gaze, he honestly meant no harm and wanted to know.

"I do not want to tell you" Madara nodded at that, if she didn't want to tell him then he respected that.

"Okay" He turned around and went back to his family, Loki fell to the ground in exasperation.

Aiz nodded cutely as if that was how the world worked and Finn just sighed in exasperation.

'Another one, how great

"Uh, what was he talking about" Lefiya looked towards her teacher and mentor Riveria, who in turn just patted her on the head.

"You will learn in the future" Lefiya just nodded at this, resolute to know everything about Aiz.

The girl in question let her eyes linger on the boy who now knew she was half-spirit. He had simply gone back to his table, said a few words, and then just sat there eating.

He was very strange, and she just knew he was strong, and now she wanted to see just how much.

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