

[ The new sun shining upon us, the new ray of warm light born to illuminate the world, the heroic child born with a fatal flaw of fate, and the lovely little boy that we all love.

The world is a cruel place and I believe you know that by now, dear Eon. 

But in this harsh world, finding your own happiness is something special to every normal being.

It is my greatest joy to be your uncle, and I'm always thankful to you for things you might not even be aware of.

But still, as the ray of light that binds this lovely family, I wish you a long, happy, peaceful, and a life that you desire.

The true wheel of time spins forward, always following the law it has been assigned. The world follows worldly laws, nature being its creator.

The laws are truths, the ones breaking them are transcendents. The nature is author, we mortal her children.

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