
The X-Men

I run towards the scream, I saw a man wearing a black beard, in the shape of Pirate Whitebeard's mustache, on his eyes, wearing a tight yellow suit with black stripes.

I noticed extended metal claws from his knuckles, fighting a bearded man with extended metallic nails.

I guessed by their appearance that they were Wolverine and Sabertooth.

Seeing them only one thing came to mind 'Adamantium'. It would be so cool to change the stone castle to adamantium castle.

I could upgrade it when I find Vibranium, Uru, and Dragonite. If I made an alloy of all 4 metals then my castle would be indestructible.

My eyes were shining like a little kid.

'I want to scan that metal but how to do it without revealing my powers', I contemplated as I don't want my identity to be revealed. I didn't want to use powers without wearing a mask or a suit.

"Wolverine did you know what happened to Clara after you killed Saul and left her", Sabertooth asked with a mocking voice.

Wolverine answered with an angry roar and jumped towards Sabertooth to kill him.

He remembered Clara's mutilated when he visited her to say his last goodbye after he killed her brother.

He was unable to find the killer, but now he knew for sure that Sabertooth killed her.

Unaware of Wolverine's inner monologue, Sabertooth laughed like a beast and dodged Wolverine's attack.

Wolverine's mind was clouded with anger which resulted in a decrease in the efficiency of his attacks.

I was standing on the first floor of the mall while the fight was going on the ground floor. A big hole could be seen in the middle of the ground floor.

Their conversation made me realize that this Wolverine was from comics and was not a brother to Sabertooth, like in the movies.

Sabertooth continued to dodge Wolverine's attack while fueling Wolverine's anger. He said, "Oh, did you forget the sweet Silver Fox, whom I raped and killed. You can't even avenge her".

The beastly instinct was talking over Wolverine due to the anger. This gave Sabertooth an opening, he punched Wolverine in the chest, which made him fly in a projectile and crash into the store just below mine.

'Sabertooth had a fetish for killing women, especially Wolverine's women', I thought while looking at the Sabertooth who was beating the shit out of the Wolverine.

I saw a little girl crying at the side of this fight scene and Sabertooth was moving toward her while dragging Wolverine by his hair.

"Wolverine, you can't save anyone, not in the past, and neither now. Look at this little girl's face and add her to the list of people you weren't able to save. You are nothing but a beast playing hero", as Sabertooth said that, he extended his nails and attacked the girl to cut her in half.

When I saw Sabertooth moving toward the girl while dragging Wolverine, I knew what he was going to do.

I looked at Van and said, "Don't be angry when you see me get hurt, I found your symbiotic appearance cool but others might treat you as a monster. I will train you to control its shape to make it even cooler and less scary. You must know that I have regeneration abilities that I could control at will. If you see me bleed just remember that it will be according to my plan".

She held my hand and said, "Why can't we kill him?".

'When did she become so ruthless?', I thought while looking at her in surprise.

"Killing him would be easy but doing it in front of a huge crowd would be saying goodbye to the peaceful days that we dreamt of", I said in a calm and soothing voice. Van calmed down and let me go.

I ran towards the little girl and jumped to push her from harm's way. Sabertooth's claws scratched my back and my blood get on his claws.

He was enraged that his prey was snatched by a nobody. He was about to launch an attack on me, who was laying on the floor with the little girl in my arm and a deeply wounded back. I acted off feeling pain and controlled my healing to not give away my regenerative powers.

Sabertooth was stopped by the Wolverine, who was healed and calmed down after seeing my 'bravery'.

Wolverine stabbed Sabertooth in his heart, Sabertooth grimaced in pain, and before he could counterattack Wolverine, he received an uppercut but with claws. The claws penetrated his skull and Wolverine kicked Sabertooth's chest such that his embedded claws tore his face.

Soon a group of people arrived at the fighting scene wearing black tight suits with an X mark on their chest.

The group consisted of 4 people, a redhead lady, a goggles boy, a blue monkey, and a silver-haired lady.

The redhead lady moved her hand and made the still healing Sabertooth float in and restricted his motion.

The Wolverine looked around for me but I already evacuated the mall with Van after handing the little girl to her family. Van touched my back, with her trembling hands, gently to find no traces of the wound. She relaxed and hugged me tightly.

While we were hugging each other, the X-Men gathered around the blue Monkey and disappeared without a trace. They took Sabertooth as their captive.

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