
Jihoon stared at her, no he was practically drilling holes in her back as she conserved with someone on call. It was surprising really; he didn't know it was his male ego which was bugging him or he was genuinely impressed. Not only had she saved the lady from getting hurt but also, she had effortlessly brought her to medical room in her arms. It is sexist to think like this but, he remembered the looks he received as he walked by her while she was carrying the lady. He felt so embarrassed. Aniya, he shouldn't think like this. Jihoon shook his head getting rid of his thoughts.

"Ah, mianhae." Rumi apologised pocketing her cell phone. It was a call from their team leader another hassle for her. Now she needed to come up with excuse to leave her pseudo-office. God damn it! Can't I have a break?! "I'm sorry, I needed to take that call." Rumi said yet again putting of another of her 'I am the happiest person in the world' smile. Rumi furrowed her eyebrows, Huh? What's with him? Jihoon stood staring at her with no response. "Jihoon-ssi?" She called clicking her fingers.

"Ah, dae?" Jihoon finally blinked. "Right? Are you okay, Rumi-ssi? You took quite number of..." He trailed off nodding his head at her back.

"Ah no, it's fine. I had taken worse than this." Rumi replied smiling back at him.

"Dae?" Jihoon questioned.

"I-I mean, I am okay. I am stronger than you think." She nervously laughed averting her eyes. Damn it.

"Yeah, I could see that." Jihoon murmured staring at her arms. How much strength does one require to carry an adult woman one storey up in arms? He thought looking at her arms and then at his. Her arms didn't look like they could lift that much. Jihoon shook his head, he needs to work out more.

"Jihoon-ssi?" Rumi questioned watching Jihoon who would frown every two seconds and then shook his head. Did he take a hit on his head from one of those files? Those files are hardcovered. Rumi glanced at the pile of files in the corner. The woman had cried for those and wouldn't go to medical room without them. "Jihoon-ssi, you didn't get hurt by one those right?" Rumi asked with worried smile on her face. She is supposed to protect them if he losing his mind then she could only imagine what would happen to her job.

"Aniyo. I didn't." Jihoon shook his head with wide eyes realizing he was being weird with his antics. "Um, Rumi-ssi do you work out?!" It left from his mouth unknowingly. "Ah mianhae. I didn't-I-" Rumi chuckled realising what was bugging him.

"Dae, I do." She chuckled nodding her head. Jihoon looked away embarrassed. "I'm sorry. It must have been weird for you to walk alongside with us like that. I just jumped in reflex without thinking." Rumi explained. The image of women in Korea was supposed to be sweet, pretty and small, he must've been surprised.

"It's fine." Jihoon shook his head again. The sound of curtain opening attracted their attention towards it. The doctor who was aiding walked out.

"She is fine. Her ankle took a little twist but it will be fine with little ice down." The doctor said. Rumi and Jihoon both nodded their heads. "Then, excuse me." The doctor nodded and left. Jihoon and Rumi turned towards the lady who was now sporting an ugly green pants under her fancy-dress shirt. It was her fault in first place, if she hadn't thrown a fit about the files while being carried then her skirt wouldn't have torn. Rumi covered her mouth to hide her laughter.

"You can laugh." The lady said looking Rumi who shook her head swallowing her laughter. "Jihoon-ah, your hoodie." The lady pouted. Jihoon chuckled taking it from her. "Gomawo." She smiled.

"Are you okay?" Jihoon asked nodding towards her leg. She nodded giving him assuring smile. "Still clumsy. When are you going to grow up?" He commented shaking his head.

"Yah..." She whined shyly looking behind him. "Can you stop? I have already embarrassed myself enough." She mumbled covering her face. Jihoon chuckled glancing back at Rumi who was watching them with smile on her face. She did that lot. Smile. "Umm jogiyo?" The lady shyly peeked behind from Jihoon's frame.

"Dae. You can call me Rumi." Rumi smiled bowing slightly towards her.

"Ah ye, Rumi-ssi." The lady smiled repeating her name. "My name is Kim Jang-Mi and right!-"Jangmi bowed her head. "Thank you for saving me. I literally thought I would die today; I even wished my last goodbye to my father-aah!" It was Jihoon who had smacked her hand stopping her blabbering. "Yah! Why did you-"

"Stopping you from embarrassing yourself." Jihoon whispered glancing at Rumi who was looking at them weirdly. Jangmi quickly clammed her mouth shut before an embarrassed smiled formed on her face.

"I mean thank you for taking care of me." She muttered looking at her fidgeting hands.

"You are welcome, Jangmi-ssi" Rumi nodded. Jangmi looked up with smile on her face. "Then, since Jang-ssi is okay. I will take your leave." Rumi said giving her an apologetic smile. "I need to get back to work."

"Ah! Ye, ye. I am sorry for holding you back." Jangmi nodded. Rumi bowed and left urgently. Jangmi longing stared at where Rumi stood. "I scared her, didn't I?" She asked pouting at Jihoon who shook his head.

"When are you going to learn to control your mouth?" He asked pushing her aside as he plopped on her bed. "I wonder how are you still employed with that loose mouth of yours?"

"Yahh!" Jangmi scolded smacking his arm. "By the way?" She quickly grabbed the same arm and cuddled it. "How do you know her?" Her voice changing to few octaves higher. Jihoon looked at her hands and then at her puppy dog eyes. "Na? Which department is she from?" She blinked her eyes quite few times.

"Huh!" Jihoon snorted flicking her forehead. "How come Miss Know it all doesn't know about her? You are in HR department, aren't you? Miss 'I know everyone, just say the name', and you don't know her?" Jihoon teased.

"Mwoya? I don't sound like that." Jangmi pouted. "I should know her, but this is first time I don't. How come I don't know her? Rumi...Rumi..." She giggled repeating her name. "Rumi..."

"Raikar." Jihoon added. "That's what she introduced herself as. I just met her today, Mingyu, Dino and Vernon introduced her to me. So, I don't know which department is she from or what she does but she sure works out..." He mumbled out the last part while flexing his own arms.

"Rumi Raikar... Gomawo Jihoon-ah." Jangmi grinned pulling Jihoon cheeks who smacked her hands away. "Rumi Raikar, that's enough for me. He he..." She giggled rubbing her palms together.

"Psycho..." Jihoon shuddered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Do you know that she is getting married?"

"What? Really? But didn't they break up because his label wasn't ready to announce their relationship?"

"I thought so too but yesterday I was on duty had to escort her around. Nothing worse than escorting someone around for their date." He sighed.

Huh! Rumi snorted. Look at them gossiping, what sort of guards are they? I feel like I am in school staff room. Why couldn't they do reporting the normal way rather this stupid excuse of meeting? Rumi internally groaned shaking her head to get rid of her frustration and pulled out her phone. Better than listening to these gossips. There were few messages left by Girjanandini. "That bitch." Rumi cursed with smile on her face as she swiped through the pictures she had sent. "This bitch is eating different cuisine every fucking day and says I'm living the dream, damn her, she is living the dream." She muttered to herself.

"Your coffee." A cup was placed in front of her. "Are you hungry?" Hyun questioned peeking at her phone. She was weird enough but to talk to herself while staring at pictures of food was weirder. Rumi rolled her eyes and clicked her phone screen close.

"Mind your business, will you?" She said picking up the paper cup and placing it on her lips.

"Stingy. I was just asking." He muttered sipping his own coffee. "Something is always up her ass." He muttered to himself.

"If you don't shut it then my foot will be up your ass." Rumi glared placing her cup back on the table quite harshly almost spilling the coffee. Hyun clammed his mouth and looked away, whispered started going around with her sudden burst up.

"Yah it's her, right?"

"Ye. Poor Hyun-ki. They had to pair him with her."

"I heard, it's only two of them. She caused a scene with one of the agent so they decided to leave her alone but Hyun-ki got stuck." Rumi clenched her fist. The fuck! I caused a scene?! She grinded her teeth in anger. No. Relax, no need to give any fucks. She closed eyes and leaned back in her chair. Relax.

"Why is she even here?"

This fucker! Rumi snapped open her eyes ready to fight his ass when the door to meeting room was slammed open. Silenced spread through the room as their superintendent walked in. Rumi rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair watching the same gossipers greet their captain politely.

"Annyeonghaseyo everyone. Please take a seat." Gu-Hwan, a young agent whom Rumi had worked alongside with. Brothers in arms. My ass. Now he is her superintendent. What a turn of fate. Rumi snorted to herself. "Okay. Let's start, shall we?" He smiled. Everyone started reported one by one. Rumi wanted to dose off. Why the hell she was here? She could've been somewhere nicer, heck chatting with those kids would've been better than this. At least they were funny rather than listening someone's daily routine. Working on this job is more like babysitting than guarding.

"SVT team? Agent Rumi? Rumi?" Rumi looked up feeling numerous eyes on herself. Gu-Hwan was looking at her with his eyebrow raised. What? She raised her eyebrow in return.

"He's asking to report." Hyun whispered in ear making her flinched and glared at him.

"Then fucking do it." She whispered back angrily. "You did the job then report it too." Hyun pressed his lips together before nodding his head.

"Ne, captain." Hyun replied standing up and passing the written report towards him. "There was strange incident, we caught a kid who was supposed to be a fan site holder but this is what we found on him." He explained nodding towards the report.

"This looks like they have whole organization." Gu Hwan commented going through the report.

"Yes sir. The tech team is working on the software. The kid is under our custody." Hyun summed up their report nodding his head. Gu Hwan hummed with serious expression on his face.

"Has there been similar incidents like this?" He questioned to everyone.

"Not really but it makes sense that they are everywhere on time even when schedules are not even released." One of them replied. Murmurs of agreement were heard.

"Geurae." Gu-Hwa nodded closing the file in his hand. The solemn expression grew deeper. "For today, let's end it here. And I don't think I need to remind you of your duties." His voice echoed through the room firmly. "Then you can leave." The meeting was dismissed, the crowd started leaving. Rumi stretched legs before let out a sound of satisfaction.

"Hmm, ended earlier than I thought." She said standing up. "Good job rookie." She smiled patting Hyun back who rolled eyes in return.

"Shouldn't you at least report?" Hyun muttered.

"Huh? Wae? It's not like I'm doing any of the work. You said it yourself, didn't you?" She asked tilting her head to side.

"I-I didn't mean it like that. I was just-" He stopped before letting out a huge sigh. "I wasn't trying degrade you, its just I was cranky because I didn't get any sleep." He explained bowing his head guiltily. Sure, Rumi was difficult to get along but that wasn't her fault, but the way she was treated was. She was a great agent, one of best in their organization if her foul mouth and barbarian personality is ignored. When Hyun heard that he was on her team he was worried as well as excited. Worried because of the incident which recently took place, one of the reason why a high ranked agent like her was working on this job.

"Blah blah. Don't give me your sob story just be glad when you are being praised, okay? Because honestly, I think you will be in future." She said with sympathetic smile on her face. Hyun rolled his eyes. This was the exact reason why it was difficult to work with her.

"Looking at the situation, I think he will be getting praised rather you Rumi." A voice interrupted making them snap their head towards it.

Woozi is jealous of Rumi's strength.



nuggety_nuggetcreators' thoughts
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