
Indra's Mistake, and First New World.

Kurayami simply floated in the air while his large wings stayed perfectly still as he had no need to flap them to fly. At his side, the giant Polar Bear-sized Shin floated in the air with a large sword in a sheath on his right side.

This was the best sword that the dog could create with all his power and looking at it, made everyone want one like it. It was a legendary weapon that would make the greed of anyone who saw it rise.

As for Shin, sure it was the best he could make, but he could make as many as he wanted. Everyone in the crowd stood up and stayed perfectly quiet as Kurayami released a small part of his aura to shut them up.

Just that bit mix of Divinity and Dragon force was enough to render all of them quiet. They all rose to their feet in respect as he had exceeded their expectations. They thought he was just barely in the top 10, but he just proved them all wrong.

Following Jack's example, the other members of the Abyss Dogs joined him and bowed toward Kurayami. He was their master, the one who had given them this chance for power and the reason for their growth.

Kurayami choose them all for their potential and seeing them all made him proud of their achievement.

"Jack, I asked what made you so angry?"

Jack stood up and pointed at the shocked soldier who felt that Kurayami was even stronger than Indra.

"Sir, this thing insulted you and did not have the power to back it up. I sought to put him in his place."

Kurayami glanced at the fool and felt who he belonged. He could feel the aura of Indra who seemed to be rushing over here when he felt one of his troops get injured. Kurayami simply waited and the floating figure of Indra laid eyes on Kurayami and his servant.

He was still wearing his Hawaiian shirt and his sunglass, but his anger was noticeable when he saw the state the soldier was in. He could feel that it was Jack who was responsible so he glared at Kurayami.

The faults of the servants are the faults of the leader so he wanted to use this chance to get some more territory. There was only so much Moon territory and the one he choose did not have as many resources as the one Kurayami picked.

"I expect an explanation? Your servant has crippled mine."

Indra had noticed the slight feeling of Divinity and Dragon Force but Kurayami was not using them all. As such, despite Kurayami feeling much stronger than them before, he still felt he could suppress him. Kurayami looked down and said exactly what happened.

"Your servant insulted me and mine stood up for my honor. That is your explanation."

Indra squinted his eyes as he looked at the wings that Kurayami now had. They were the wings of a dragon and he still had 16 of them. Something happened after Ophis took him and from the look of it, made him even stronger.

"We can settle this without bloodshed. I expect your servant to cut off the same arm he cut from mine. That seems fair."

Raynare broke out laughing as she pointed at Indra. That was the same thing that the arrogant cultivators said in her novels.

"HE SAID THE THING! I found the closest thing to the dumbasses inside my novels."

Indra raised his right arm toward her as his pride could not accept being insulted like that. Just before he attacked, something went wrong. He felt pure agony as he looked at his right shoulder only to be treated to the sight of a missing arm.

Unlike Greek


Kurayami did not even move a muscle as Shin moved without any order. The dog was not about to watch a god, disrespect his master and his family so he took action. The giant sword beside him was in his mouth and now, Indra lost an arm.

It was already hard for gods to be wounded, but to lose an entire limb in one attack was hard to believe for Indra. The god-killing effects in that sword made healing even harder. It was like his godly power was just cut in that area.

Kurayami returned to the girls as he gave Indra a warning.

"Do not let this happen again. I can just as easily wipe out every single one of your pantheon as I see fit. I will not repeat myself, leave Indra."

Indra picked up his arm and retreated as he was not willing to incur the wrath of Shin and Kurayami. Raynare saw what Shin did and she had to thank him. She hugged his head and rubbed his neck.

"I could have taken him."

Kurayami looked her over and shook his head.

"You could have if you had gone through your first sublimation. As you were now, I say that you would have lasted longer than Viritra, but lost. You could escape easily, but knowing you that would have been the last resort for you.:

Raynare agreed with his assessment. She had her pride as the granddaughter of Azrael and she sought to prove herself as superior to him. The bad thing was that Azrael never stopped training as he sought to become a god.

"You're right. That is why if me, Esdeath, and Akeno worked together we would be able to finish him."

The other two girls looked at him waiting for him to decide if she was right or overconfident. Ophis jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck to look at the three of them.

Seeing her looking at them made them wait for both of their assessment.

"I have to say that you three are little monsters. Esdeath, you are devouring a Demon as strong as a Heavenly Dragon which is already impressive. Raynare, you are the host of a Dragon King and are Azrael's granddaughter. Akeno, your soul looks like Kurayami's slightly and that sacred gear of yours is a god killer in the making."

She looked at Kurayami waiting for him to say his piece.

"She is right you know. That is also not counting your weapons which all have special abilities that match you perfectly. Raynare, your scythe Sephtis increases how much of Azrael's power you can use. Esdeath, your rapier is a conduit for Demon magic. Akeno, your spear, and armor I should say are a magic amp. You could take him together."

The three of them were both happy and angry when they looked at Shin. Esdeath walked up to the dog as he placed his sword back in its sheath. She grabbed his fluffy head and looked into his eyes.

"Shin, help me train."

The dog backed away as he did not want to risk it. Seeing that just annoyed her as she wanted a harder training partner. Seeing that made Ophis think of something.

"I got an idea. Go through your first Sublimation all of you and I will make a sparring partner for you. I can't give you any power as that is something exclusive to my mate after all."

Heard that all of them were rather expectant for what she would make for them. If a Dragon God was making it, it would not be weak at all. Kurayami started to walk away with Ophsi holding on to his neck.

Akeno waved him goodbye as she looked at the apple in her hands. She smiled as she decided to go back to the Underworld for this. She did not bring up her birthday as Kurayami would not forget something like that.

He and Ophis teleported into Azazel's lab that was on the Moon. It was deep underground where they could hide all of their top-secret searches. When they both teleported into the lab he looked around and noticed some intresting things.

Ajuka, Azazel, and Mephisto were here as they gathered around a large gate that had a large portal in the middle of it.

"Azazel, report."

Azazel rolled his eyes as he motioned for Kurayami to come over.

"Just returned and already acting like the boss. Anyway, this is how we began our search into other realities. This is the first one we found, but more like we found the aporximit location."

Ophis let go of Kurayami's neck as she walked toward the ginat portal.

"Now this is intresting."

Ajuka, Azazel and Mephisto all looked at Ophis as they recongized that power. Kurayami walked next to her as he comfirned their thoughts.

"If you think she is Ophis you are correct."

Mephisto laughed a bit as he looked at the two of them.

"Not only did you seduce Lavinia, even a Dragon God is safe from your reach."

Ophis just smiled a little at his words.

"Have you seen him? Anyway, you can't find it or something?"

Ajuka nodded as he looked at the portal they opend up.

"Exactly, it is like their is a type of screen over it preventing us from finding it. Of course we already did the hard part, but everything else is not so easy. We sent some criminals over and they all died."

Kurayami raised an eye brow when he heard that.

"What did they die of?"

Azazel laughed when he thought of that.

"Something killed them. We just don't know."

Ophis raised her hand and gathered a giant mass of the Infinite. She even took some of Kurayami's flames, and his death magic to empower it a bit before she fired it into the portal.

Ophis closed her left eye while Kurayami closed his right. She saw how the three reaserchers were confused so she answred what she did.

"Simply put I made a powerful serpant. If anything can kill that, it means that me and Kurayami will have to take action. If it is stronger than us, then, give up on this."

Kurayami and Ophis both connected to the mass of energy shot over that began to grow larger. Soon it was 80 meters long and looked like a giant burning mass of purple light. Eventualy a cobra like head formed and started to look around.

It's left eye was grey the same color as Ophis' while the right was black all around safe for the dark purple Infinite sign in the middle. This way, both Ophis and Kurayami could transfer it more power and look through it's eyes.

The cobra's hood opened up as it began to use it as a scanner. It looked around in space that seemed perfectly normal. It shot off into the distance at beyond light speed as nothing seemed to be around in this area.

Kurayami and Ophis transfered double the power they gave to it causing it to double in size and power. This also incresed the distance it could sense, but their was still nothing. If nothing was here it would just go even furthor.

It shot into the distance at beyond light speed as it searched for anyhing. Kurayami looked at Azazel and shook his head. His right eye stayed closed as he split his mind into.

"Their does not seem to be anything."

Azazel sighed as he was a little disapointed.

"Oh well, keep searching a bit and see what you find. If this portal leads to nothing we may need to open a diffrent one."

Kurayami focused back on the cobra as it continued to blast through space. Ophis and Kurayami were fairly paitieint so they did not mind to just sit around and control this cobra.

As if on random, they finaly found a planet. It was similar to Earth, but their seemed to be only one giant continent. The serpant slowed down and looked at the planet in it's gaze.

A flick of it's tounge found magic on the planet which made both Kurayami and Ophis curious. He looked at Mephisto, Azazel, and Ajuka and nodded.

"We found a source of life and magic. Want to take a look?"

They nodded so Kurayami allowed them to share in his vision. When they saw the planet, they were very intrested in going down to check it out. Mephisto thought about it as they did not think about this.

"So, if their is sentinent life, what do we do?"

That was a good question as they could act in peace or as conqueros. Kurayami thought about it as he shook his head.

"We first got to check out the level of power on this world before we can decide waht do do with it. If they are too weak, we simply go in with force and take over. If they are strong, we act with dilomacy."

Ophis did not care either way.

"I will make it go down. Let's check it out."

The Cobra slowly began to decend toward the planet and entered the planet's atmorphere. This did not impede on it's ability to fly as this little amount of gravity would not effect it at all. It shot down to the ocean and shot into the water.

The snake vanished under the surface before it's giant head surfaced. The cobra looked right at home in the water as their was nothing wrong with the water. Mephisto felt the magic amount and it was decent.

"The magic density seemed to be about normal. It is not higher or lower so that is something. What now?"

Kurayami had a idea.

"I will go over. Now that Ophis' serpant is on the other side we can open a direct portal. Even if this portal here is closed, we will have a connection to the other side. I and Ophis will be fine and it should be a good experience."

Azazel nodded.

"I think I should go over as well. I will do some reaserch to see what kind of magic they use."

Ajuka agreed with that.

"The two of us will keep this portal open for now. We should first be sure of the level of power of this world before we decide what to do with it."

Mephisto face could not help to turn into a smile.

"This is rather exciting you know. New world, new reality, new knoledge. I never thought I would live to see the day."

Kurayami opended his eye as he took his vison back. Infront of him a large violet portal opened that the Cobra opened.

"Ophis you coming?"

She opend her eye and shook her head.

"No, I will help your lovers go through their first sublimiations. Our connection is not going to get cut that easily. Be careful."

She pulled his collar down and kissed him.

"Have fun."

He smiled as he waved her goodbye. Azazel shook his head at sight.

"No one is safe from you really. Guess it is just you, me and Shin."

Kurayami and Shin walked in the portal as they landed on the giant Cobra's head. He looked down at the creature and sent Ophis a message.

'Ophis, is this thing alive?'

'It is, you can have him if you want.'


Azazel came right after and also landed on the Cobra's head. He took a deep breath as he looked around.

"Well that is odd."

Kurayami knew what he meant.

"The mana in the air is slightly diffrent from ours."

Azazel nodded as he tried to make his normal magic circle. It sputtered and flickered as he started to experiment with it.

"The diffrece is enough for our magic to be effected slightly, but with some tweeking I think I can make it work."

Azazel was not a genius as it only took him a minute to get a fuctioning magic circle. Azazel did not look pleased with it though.

"The power is 30% lower. I will fix that soon. Take a pick Kurayami."

Kurayami spread his sense as he knew where he was going to explore.

"I will go East. The continent has three big countries, I will go to the East."

Azazel nodded.

"I will go west."

From Azazel's back emerged 14 wings making Kurayami raise an eye brow.

"You went through your sublimation?"

Azazel took off into the sky and nodded.

"Of course I did. Good luck."

He took off flying as his excitement was clear to see. Kurayami shook his head as he and Shin also took off flying. He looked at the Cobra and waved him off.

"Don't cause any recless desruction. Explore the sea or something."

It nodded before he dove bellow the surface. Once the Cobra was gone, Kurayami broke the sound barrier and headed toward the first country.

Take a guess where we are and I write one more chapter.

BlackSwordman1234creators' thoughts
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