
Chapter 57: Toru’s Day!

Chapter 57: Toru's Day!

~Third POV~

[Next Day, League of Villains Base, Kamino, Yokohama, Japan]

2 Days after the Hosu Incident, people around Japan began to explore the Hero Killer's background and the latest news. Inside a bar stood a man, Giran, but his real name was Kagero Okuta.

Giran is a middle-aged man of moderate height and slight build, with eyebrows that appear to be drawn up most of the time and notably squinted-looking pink eyes. He has short gray hair worn parted to his right with side bangs hanging above his eyes, along with a small mustache and a goatee on his chin, and one of his front teeth seems to be missing, leaving a gap in his grin.

He wears a pair of dress pants and a matching blazer, along with plain black shoes and a shirt which he leaves partially unbuttoned at the top. He has a thick, golden tube-like necklace around his neck that appears to be made up of multiple segments, sometimes along with a fluffy scarf that resembles intestines in shape and color, also sporting a pair of circular glasses on his face. He is often seen smoking a cigarette.

Currently, he was talking to an associate of his, holding a revolver pistol in one hand and his phone in the other, listening to his associate woes in a disheartened tone, "Seems like no one's willing to break the law nowadays. All this whining about not selling out their friends. It's a real pain."

Twirling his revolver around, Giran spoke in a neutral tone stoically to his associate, "That's because producing and dealing in support items and costumes without a license is considered a major crime… Not to mention that recently, the established support companies have been selling their goods to Non-Heroes through back channels, or so I've heard."

His associate with an eyepatch sighed in a defeated tone and replied, taking a sip of his drink through a straw, "Sigh… Man, I missed the days before All Might came along… I was young, and this country was a way more impulsive place. Maybe it's about time to retire…"


Lightning up his cigarette with his revolver while raising his phone to show his associate Giran began to explain to him with a toothy grin, "Hold up now. This is between you and me, but I've got the opportunity of a lifetime here. Now I'm only telling you this because your people have a reputation for quality. Have you seen this video? This Hero Killer is the man of the hour."

Giran began to show his associate the latest news relating to the Hero Killer. It intrigued him as Giran revealed the clip of him getting arrested in a serious tone, "This clip keeps getting put up and taken down because both sides get it. This guy's whole style's gonna spread like a plague. From the punks with a few priors to the bad guys on the run… anyone who's anyone…"


Exhaling a puff of smoke, he continues with a serious expression on his face as Giran says in a serious tone, "Myself included, of course. With all that evil scattered around out there… we're all gripped by the same fever. We'll all be drawn to the organization he was working with… the League of Villains."

His associate took a few moments to take in the information. But soon, the news changed to the latest topic how the Hero Killer was beaten by the intern of Mirko called the Power Ranger.

The associate sneered reading that of a few teenagers taking down the Hero Killer, scoffing at the hype, "Tch, yeah, sure, Giran. But he still lost to a group of teenagers. And one of them is the 1st place winner of the Sports Festival, mate."

Giran blinked, seeing Ren Yuki being plastered along with Mindjack, showing how they took the Hero Killer in rope, saving their classmate and Pro Hero Native. Giran merely shrugged his shoulders, nonchalantly speaking, "Bah. Beginners luck. But let's talk about some business, old chum."

With that, they began to discuss some business…


~Toru H. POV~

[Midnight Agency, Japan]

Toru Hagakure was a lonely girl. And she knew it even as she hid her insecurity behind the veil of bubbly cheeriness, wearing the mask of a social butterfly she knew it was a lie to herself.

All of it. The friends, the teachers, and even her own family, no one truly saw her. Not even she could see it because of her [Invisibility] Quirk. Sometimes she questioned if she even existed due to seeing nothing in her reflection every day.

Then, he suddenly appeared in my life. Ren Yuki. He's a real guy with a weird personality to boot.

The first time we met he seemed interested in me in class. He can see me.

Of course, at first, I thought he was joking around. I thought that he was simply flirting with me, trying for a cheap hookup. I thought so dismissing him was out of luck as I wasn't that kind of girl, I was invisible, after all.

But then he did something even more unexpected. He showed me how I looked. How I REALLY looked. Not some mocking caricature or flattering portrait, just genuine, truth and his ability to cancel my Quirk to see me.

But the most important of all was what he saw me. Truly saw me. Even when I asked for more help, he accepted and even went as far as to build a Support Gear for me to support my everyday problems.

It was then it struck me. How I hadn't noticed it immediately was beyond me it was so obvious. All my life there had been no one who had looked me straight in the eyes.

No one except Ren. For the first moment, I met him. Helping me and spoiling me with his cooking or massages that make me feel nice, tingly things for the first time.

Not only that, but he's also becoming quite the rising star. He is humble and playful about his deeds, believing in others that they didn't have within themselves.

I question my sanity, but simply hearing his deeds is quite big. Even two days later, there is news of how a group of teenagers, no Heroes-in-Training, managed to capture the Hero Killer Stain.

Not only that but also a video of the fight as I held baited breath at how it was done. I couldn't help but be amazed that our Class Rep managed to handle and defeat the Hero Killer Stain since this video is a first-point perspective.

According to the news, it was from the video recorder in his hero costume keeping things recorded. The fight was so coooool~!

Currently, I'm having a break with Midnight-Sensei giving me a lunch break. I interned under her to get the best help on using my Quirk functions on the flashing light function and possibly more under a teacher's guidance.

I wonder what everyone's doing in the group chat. I checked my phone to see the group text messages about Shinso and Ren events that occurred over Hosu City.

[Kendo: Hey Ren! Shinso! Ida! Ochaco! Are you guys okay with the Hosu Incident? I heard that one of you is at the hospital.]

[Mina: Holy crap you guys! You went and CAUGHT the Hero Killer?!!]

[Toga: The hell is this adventure you guys are having? What happened?]

[Kaminari: The heck man! You guys are going way beyond the power of the interns!]

[Kirishima: Dude you guys are so… MANLY!!!!]

[Yui: You guys are fine? Right? Sad Mm…]

[Jiro: Yo? Are you guys, okay?]

[Tsuyu: Ribbit. You guys are fine right?]

[Ochaco: Guys I can explain what happened. I've seen what happened in Hosu City…]

I blinked, reading Ochaco's text. I almost forgot she participated in evacuating the people reading everything that happened.

I felt a chill run down my spine when she mentioned those Nomu's appearing. But soon after reading Ochaco's text, two more from the duo of the hour managed to be in the spotlight.

[Ren: Sup guys. Sorry for not answering for the last 2 days. I was busy training with Mirko to notice the notifications and the paperwork.]

[Shinso: Same. Aizawa-Sensei was having me learn the lessons of using my Quirk along with Ida. It was an educational experience that took my full attention.]

Seeing the chance, I began to type down on my phone. Girl gotta ask, right?

[Toru: Whew… thank goodness you guys made it alright. It must have been scary staring down the Hero Killer…]

[Kinoko: Yeah. We didn't get the full details of what happened over the news other than Ren-san fighting and winning.]

[Momo: So, Ida was taken to the hospital. I figured it might've been the case, but still, the Class Rep, it was very reckless of you to charge straight in without a plan.]

[Ren: Who said we didn't have a plan? I put myself as bait while Shinso waited behind as I began the conversation, provoking Stain with sensitive information not many know. Sadly, he was so strong that he got out almost instantly, but it was an epic fight to capture him. I'm not gonna lie. But I wonder who leaked the fight video, though, since the police should be the ones to hold it after I transferred from my Hero Costume.]

[Shinso: I can vouch for that. He made that plan up on the spot after Ida. I've learned to trust his gut in these types of situations. Although you could've done it without slugging Ida though…]

[Ren: In my defense, he was acting like an idiot going after revenge, nearly dying. I merely slugged the son of the bitch with some common sense. If he were to die, the class and his family would mourn for his passing. If he doesn't understand that I'll keep on beating his face with my [Fist of Love]!]

[Mina: Snort! [Fist of Love]? What are you into dudes or something?]

[Toga: GAY!!!! *Smile face emoji*]

[Ren: Oh, shush you, drama queens! It's an acronym.]

[Jiro: An acronym for Love? What could you possibly make an acronym for? I bet it's something corny.]

[Ren: If you must know, Jiro-chan Love is an acronym for me. It means Level Of ViolancE. Get it?]

[Jiro: Wow… that does sound corny oh fearless leader. Still doesn't change my point.]

[Ren: Tch… Touché.]

I giggled, listening to their back and forth. Yup.

Everyone has a different interpretation of Ren Yuki, alright. He can be the class big bro, a great asshole, a schemer, or a hero on the fly.

Most probably, everyone would get annoyed unless they truly understand the guy. He just seems more… human than a hero, I guess.


But not before too long, I almost stumbled a bit, seeing a familiar boy appearing again. Oh, right, I almost forgot he has three clones of different heroes.

Curiosity gnawed at me as I asked Ren in a curious tone, tilting my head as he held a suitcase, "Oh! Ren, you startled me there. Great seeing you is there a reason why you came here?"

I couldn't help but blush as he opened the suitcase in a kind tone with his handsome smile directed at me, "Sorry it took this long to complete your Support Gear Toru-chan. But with Mei and Izuku's help and Power Loader-Sensei's acknowledgment, I got you your S-Belt. S stands for support, allowing you to become visible with its support."

My eyes widened as I saw the belt-shaped 'S' just for me. Of course, I was blushing since I was in my 'hero costume,' making Ren offer a towel for me to cover myself.

Placing the belt around my waist I pressed the button and covered myself. I gazed down seeing my body flicker passively absorbing the light as my eyes widened in shock seeing… my body.

My real flesh body. I noticed my hands were now visible. And I can do this whenever I want with my S-Belt…

My gaze soon turned to him as he grinned with his eyes closed in a kind tone, "See? I told you I'll make your support gear needed for – whoa!"

Lunging after him I thanked him over and over for this gift he did for me. To be able to see myself whenever I want.


Upon lunging at him, I was now on top of his as the towel fell. His face blushes – oh!

I felt something touching me below… oh. OH!

My face blushed as red as his. Oh, this can't possibly get any –


Opening the door, Midnight-Sensei comes in, her eyes widened before a mischievous smile appears on her face, "Alright, Toru-chan, it's time – oh! Well, now… this is quite the scene before me. Ara ara… so youthful! I approve of this ship!!"



Soon enough, Ren vanished through his portal as Midnight shook her head, crossing her arms and licking her lips in a sexual tone, "Ah… I better teach the boy the birds and bees later. But Toru, next time, if you bring him over, please do it in your free time since my office has cameras. But… if you need any help on how to impress a guy or how to handle hero and heroine love affairs, I'm the right heroine for the job~"

I felt my face flush as I turned off my S-belt. I cupped my face but shyly nodded, needing some advice, Midnight's grin widened in an excited tone, "Excellent! You have interned at the right place. Now listen closely to how you please a boyfriend…"

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