
Chapter 54: Hosu Incident (2)

Chapter 54: Hosu Incident (2)

~Third POV~

[Sunset, Hosu City, Japan]



Patrolling the streets of Hosu City, Aizawa and Shinso were both present in the area, observing the people and stopping minor crimes in the city. Shinso, AKA Mindjack, listens to the advice of Eraser Head earnestly.

Being on the field felt different for Shinso as he asked in his prototype hero uniform consisting of the long-sleeve winter version of the U.A. PE uniform: a dark blue shirt and pants with thick white lines over his upper body and down his legs, which form the letters "U" and "A," and a white marking framed by a red line on each sleeve.

In addition to this, he wears a detachable mask-like device over his mouth, known as the Artificial Vocal Cords, which aids him with the activation of his Quirk, a Capturing Weapon, the same as the one worn by Eraser Head, around his neck, and a pair of green and white sneakers.

Learning under Aizawa-Sensei, he couldn't help but ask in a curious tone as they stalked through deserted areas and back alleys, "Eraser Head, are we searching for the Hero Killer from the news?"

Aizawa gazed at Shinso as he spoke in a stoic tone, almost scoffing as he harshly said, "No. While I'm teaching you the ways Underground Heroes work, I received a message from your Class Rep about Ida's revenge plot. Surely you know the news, right, Mindjack?"

Shinso curtly nodded his head in understanding as he spoke in an anxious tone about his classmate Ida's choice, "… I figured as much. Everyone in our class heard about it and connected the dots, but we didn't want to invade his personal space. But to go after the Hero Killer himself? That doesn't sound like something he would do…"

Aizawa merely cocked his head to the outside light of the alleyway in a stern tone gaining Shinso's attention, "Right. Heroes shouldn't follow that kind of thinking, but I believe you kids keep forgetting an important thing ever since the age of heroes came. Before there were heroes, were people first. We're just as human as anyone, Mindjack."

Shinso merely nodded his head in understanding the situation as he spoke stoically, "I get it, Eraser Head. Then should the class or someone should have said something to help Ida out…"

Aizawa sighed, understanding his class dilemma of such a sensitive topic, offering some pieces of advice, "Sigh… look and – "


However, their words were cut short as the sound of an explosion could be heard in the distance, getting their attention. Both soon noticed a pair of large black Nomu with their eyes widening as other Heroes came to the scene.

Aizawa narrowed his eyes commanding his student in a stern tone getting Shinso's attention strictly, "That looks like one of the Nomu's that was seen in the USJ…. Mindjack helps evacuate the citizens with the police. I and other Pro Heroes will keep this thing busy make sure to follow the evacuation procedure protocol!"

With a curt nod other Pro Heroes soon arrived at the scene with Aizawa's eyes turned a bright red under his goggles in a stern tone, "Tch. Just my luck I must deal with this. Hopefully, that idiot isn't after the Hero Killer…"


[Sunset, Hosu City, Japan]

Shoto Todoroki was sitting inside a car watching the sunset scene outside the window as his father, Endeavor, spoke in a neutral tone, "You seem dazed, Shoto. Are you nervous?"

Shoto curtly nodded not giving a response. After visiting his mother and reconnecting, he began to practice his other half.

Unfortunately, though he was forced to join his father's Agency to get the maximum benefit he could training the left side of his Quirk. For the past 2 days, they've been searching for the Hero Killer Stain only finding small-time villains gaining valuable lessons.

However, Endeavor mistook Shoto's silence as a form of training as he spoke sternly, "It's always good for heroes to be calm and collected, Shoto. Contrary to popular belief, I'm always calm."

Shoto gazed at his father as he thought in denial of the thought, 'I doubt it.'

Shoto and Endeavor didn't speak more than that till they finally got out of the car with his father's sidekick, Burnin. Shoto couldn't help but ask in a stoic tone, "Are you sure patrolling the area, we wouldn't encounter the Hero Killer? Wouldn't it be the same for the last 2 days finding nothing – "


Just when Endeavor was about to speak, a roaring screech could be heard, getting their immediate attention. Shoto's head snapped upwards as he saw it making him pause as he realized the terrible similarities between this creature and the one in USJ.

Endeavor's eyes narrowed, seeing Shoto's reaction as he spoke in a stern tone, his fire brilliantly ignited, increasing the heat produced, "Shoto… watch and learn how a Pro Hero takes care of this."

Taking a step forward, Endeavor began to take care of the White Nomu with a stern expression on his face. Shoto felt a chill run down his spine mixed with conflicted emotions running through his mind seeing his father be heroic…


[Sunset, Hosu City, Japan]

Mirko and Ren were both rushing forward and parkouring around Hosu City patrolling the area till she suddenly stopped. Her ears twitched lightly as she spoke seriously, "Oh…? Seems like we didn't find the Hero Killer but something dangerous just appeared. Stay sharp kid."


Ren was confused about what she meant. While he has [Peak SEN], he still falls short compared to Mirko's senses such as the aspects of sound –


Their eyes widened, alarmed seeing an explosion occur. No sooner did they rush ahead, no rather, Mirko booked it right to the source as Ren followed in pursuit, feeling the brush wind pass his face along with the scent of smoke lingering in the air.

They noticed that the people were running away with Mirko's eyes narrowing. But they noticed a bright light of fire from one side of the city as the two briefly stopped seeing one of the flying Nomu.

Ren's eyes narrowed, giving Mirko the info based on his [Observe] skill and metaknowledge in a serious tone, "Mirko flying Nomu incoming! They're undead bio-engineered creatures. That one has the Quirks [Flight], [Self-Detonation], [Regeneration], and [Radio Waves]."

Mirko curtly nodded her head as she spoke with a feral grin on her face as she asked of Ren in a confident tone, "Good to know. Can you nullify all his Quirks with [Negation] and bring him here to me?"

Upon doing so, Ren's eyes activated [Negation] but soon frowned, almost scowling when his eyes contacted the flying Nomu. But he was briefly surprised seeing the pop-up screen showing up of his choice.


[The target 'Flying Nomu has 4 Quirk Factors. Choose one to nullify:




[Radio Waves].]


[The Quirk [Self-Detonation] has been temporarily nullified!]

Seeing that his [Negation] Quirk has a weakness, he shook his head. He curtly responded, notifying Mirko in a serious tone, "Yes and no. I can only cancel 'one' of his Quirks. At least I can control which one, and yes, I can bring him to you."


Tensing her thighs, she grinned wickedly with Ren summoning a halo ring behind him in an excited tone, "Good enough for me!! Now bring them to me and take out the [Self-Detonation] Quirk."


No words were needed as he soon forcibly brought the flying Nomu towards their direction with Mirko crouching down. Upon doing so, she formed a crater creating spider-web-like from her preparation… till she bounced from the top of the building.


Leaving a crater behind she rushed forward as she began to mount the Nomu's head and gripped it tightly with her legs as she yelled out loud, "[Luna Tijeras]!!!"



A loud snapping sound was heard as Mirko twisted her body and pulled with all of her great leg strength to rip Nomu's head cleanly off and smash it into the ground. Quickly changing his Quirk target by blinking to [Regeneration], the flying Nomu finally died with its body going slump.

Confirming that the Flying Nomu was down, Mirko grinned as her ears perked up, listening to the sounds of combat in the distance, commanded Ren in a serious tone, "Okay, kid, looks, the situation is escalating fast. Besides, we got another one incoming…!"


Another loud screech could be heard as another flying Nomu, identical to the one they put down, appeared flying towards them. Ren was genuinely surprised but shook it off as he quickly got this one in a neutral tone, "No worries, I got this one."



Opening an [Wormhole] at the dashing Nomu was mercilessly cut down by a sudden water cannon, leaving no room to regenerate, causing Mirko to blink Ren smirked, gaining 25 EXP as he thought to himself proudly, 'At the very least, I can use [Wormhole] offensively like this against the Nomu's. Thank you, Goblin Slayer, for the idea.'

While he was glad to see his [Wormhole] could function, how Goblin Slayer used his portal scroll and more ideas to play around using this Quirk. Ren was a bit disappointed but didn't cry over getting some lower-tier Nomu for gaining a Level Up from the notifications in front of him.

[Flying Nomu Lv.25 Low-Tier

Description: With the lack of data, All for One allowed Tomura to use the 6 Nomus they had in spare to gather data on their effectiveness against Heroes due to the USJ Nomu didn't produce any data to upgrade their Nomu Project. Its quirks are [Flight], [Self-Detonation], [Regeneration], and [Radio Waves].]

[You gain 25 EXP!]


Mirko gazed at her intern with an intrigued tone, seeing the water cannon coming out from the portal, asking, "The hell – Oi! Why the hell didn't you use that in our spars!! You were holding out on me!!"

Genuinely upset, she soon calmed down with Ren revealing the trick with a raised eyebrow in a neutral tone, "You want me to attack you with a water cannon that came from the bottom of the sea utilizing the high-pressure water that could tear apart my target on you? Unless you have [Regeneration], I'm so not using that on you."

Hearing that, Mirko relented as Ren informed her of 4 other Nomus in the area. She grinned at this before ultimately saying to him in a stern tone, "Heh. Sounds like fun to me, kid you better stick behind and help the citizens, got it?! Now get hopping!!"


Opening a portal using his [Wormhole], they both entered inside, with them coming above where the commotion of the other High-Tier Nomu are located at the center of Hosu City…


[Nighttime, Hosu City, Japan]

When the Nomus spread around the whole city, everyone went into a state of panic. Many Pro Heroes were sent to the scene of the disturbance.

Pro Hero Manual, Ida's mentor had immediately run over to help with the fleeing civilians as he dashed towards the scene in a serious tone, "Tenya! To the scene! Run!!"

Ida didn't choose a proper hero name and only chose his name. However, even as Manual called for him, Ida didn't follow suit.

His eyes locked onto an alleyway around the corner, where he managed to see the silhouette of a monster punning his prey on the wall. Anger flashed in his mind of his brother as he rushed recklessly ahead.


Ignoring the cries of citizens Ida burst the engines on his calves at the alleyway. His eyes soon landed upon the Hero Killer as his kick went towards Stain's head his mind filled with murderous intent.


However, the Hero Killer Stain trained his body to its peak as he sidestepped out of the way slashing his crude katana. Upon slashing the helmet in half Stain spoke in a bored tone, "A kid in a costume… Who are you? Get out of here. This is no place for children."

Ida tossed to the ground as he tried to stand up spouting his vengeance at Stain in an angry tone, "A scarf red as blood. Armed to the teeth with blades… You must be the Hero Killer Stain! Am I right?! I've been pursuing you. Though I didn't expect us to meet so soon! I am – "


Stain raised his katana at Ida, inches away from his face, releasing a cold sweat as Stain spoke in an angry tone, "Your eyes. You're out for revenge, aren't you? Watch your damned mouth… or your age won't be enough to save you."

Ida struggles to get up, only being fueled by his sheer determination, announcing himself in a fierce tone, "To save me? So, you don't even consider me a threat? Listen up. Criminal. I'm Ingenium. The Hero who's going to take you down!!"

Stain's eyes narrowed as he spoke in a cold tone, readying his blades for combat, "That so? Time to die!"

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