
Wanted: On a Global scale

"Hello, Sirius, Narcissa." I croaked out in pain

My wand was pointed directly at Sirius, we might be passing messages but I don't trust a single loving being besides Dobby and Hedwig.

Sirius's eyes visibly widened seeing my state while Narcissa's face remained cold.

"Harry! I missed you what happened!?" Sirius shouted thankfully the door was closed and I have several silencing and perfection wards all over this place

He tried to move closer but, my wand was unmoving.

"Harry why are you pointing your wand at me?" he asked his face and tone full of confusion

"Ha, last time I trusted you I ended up in Azkaban, you didn't even try to stop them and you knew their accusations were false. We might be sending messages but we are not friends merely acquaintances." I said slowly my tone was bland, not angry, sad, or happy

Sirius's expression fell he looked hurt I could see the guilt on his face.

Before he could respond I said, "swear an oath you will not attempt to tell anyone about seeing me, and you will not use your wands to do anything but heal me. Sirius, you may turn your wand over to Dobby. Narcissa you can heal me."

"Now why would I do that? Your acting quite rude brat." Narcissa spat out venom dripping from her tone

I gazed at her coldly, "I will swear an oath proving I won't hurt you." I replied

She seemed to think for a while before saying, "fine you swear first I don't trust you criminal."

Looking at Sirius I said, "you and Narcissa will swear the oath first or I'm out of here."

Sirius turned to Narcissa and said, "swear the oath I will go first. I Sirius Orion Black III Lord of the most ancient and noble house of Black swear on my magic that I will tell no one I met with my Godson on this day. Additionally, I swear I will not harm him so mote it be." a light flew from his wand and into the air, I could also see some type of magic coiling around him before disappearing

Narcissa looked at Sirius for a while before turning to me and declaring, "I Narcissa Black swear on my magic I will not tell anyone about seeing Harry Potter on this day, I swear to not harm him on this day so mote it be." the same thing happened afterward as Sirius

I looked at them both before declaring, "I Harry James Potter Lord of the most ancient and noble house of Potter swear on my magic that I will not harm either Sirius Black or Narcissa Black for the duration of my healing, so mote it be!" right when I finished my words I silently cast a low Lumos spell and made it blue sending it to the sky in one smooth sequence

Both looked at me and nodded Sirius turned over his wand to Dobby and Narcissa came to my side.

"Don't heal my legs just everything else" I said calmly but I could tell they knew I was in pain

"Why?" Narcissa asked

I looked at her and said, "because I like being a cripple."

She rolled her eyes but kept quiet healing my injuries.

"How did this happen, Harry!?" Sirius finally spoke up and asked the big elephant in the room

Shrugging I said, "I was walking down the street peacefully then this weirdo calling himself Jack Sparrow jumped me."

Again they just rolled their eyes.

"Are you not going to tell us anything?" Sirius asked

"You will read about it all over the newspaper I can tell you that much for certain," I replied

"Why can't you tell us now?" He asked again

"Why did you cast me out to Azkaban?" I answered with my own question

He became silent after that.

Minutes passed before he spoke again, "why did you send those messages not sounding angry if you still were?" He looked so confused and hurt

I honestly don't dislike Sirius but I can't just switch a flip and get rid of the feelings of betrayal the old Harry felt even through Occlumency.

"I just don't understand it, Sirius you knew I was innocent, you knew it and so did I and so did Dumbledore so why? Why did you not push back and defend me? Why did you stand back watching during my clearly unfair trial?" I spoke with some sadness

I truly felt and meant what I said, Sirius isn't a bad man but he has been too naive and foolish when it comes to acting and making moves, although recently he has made some big moves that doesn't wash away what he did.

I could practically see him thinking and trying to come up with an answer, he brushed back his long mop of hair and let out a small sigh.

Turning his attention back to me he said, "I can't tell you why because I don't know why I did it myself. I have been so confused lately so lost but I have been finding my direction. I have saved my cousin and now I'm starting to re rejuvenate the Black family. I know it will take time, I know it will be hard but can we try to be more than just acquaintances?" he asked with a hopeful expression

"I suppose your right one can't have too many allies and who knows we might be friends after this. Hey, Narcissa what's taking you so long?" I answered Sirius at the same time asking my suppose healer what is taking her forever

"Calm down Harry, only a couple more minutes are you sure you don't want your legs to be healed?" she asked sending me a curious look

Gazing back at her I simply gave a small smile and said, "Yes I am sure."

She nodded and got back to work.

"So Dumbles is still looking for me?" I asked breaking the small silence

"Yeah, he is. That bloody old moron is fiercely looking for you. Still, you sure know how to hide." Sirius answered with a smirk

"Hahaha, that fool will never find me," I replied with a small laugh

Ten minutes later I was all healed except for my legs obviously.

Turning to look at the two I smiled and said, "thank you Narcissa, Sirius. You both really helped me out."

They both smiled back at me, Narcissa replied," Although it was a rough start it was a pleasure to meet you. You know where to find me if you need a healer."

Sirius added, "Good luck out there okay? And I will be checking the papers to see what did this to you."

Chuckling I replied, "oh I'm sure you will be."

Dobby handed him back the wand and held my shoulder we disappeared with a *pop*.

laying in bed, I took another pain relief potion and drifted to bed.

The next day I waited for the mail to arrive.

Hedwig brought me the Internation Wizards Newspaper, American Wizard times, and finally the Quibbler

Each read a slightly different headline but the outline was the same. The Quibbler read,


Harry Potter steals George Washington's magic Artifact!? Are Nargles infesting his brains!

-From this personal picture Harry Potter has sent us at the Quibbler you can see him holding the Gauntlet George Washington himself used. It was reported stolen yesterday night, and several MLE officers were sent to the hospital. Sadly two officers died and two are in serious condition. Six members of the team are relatively okay from what we have heard. What is Harry Potter doing?

-Article written by Xenophilius Lovegood


The American Wizard times read,


Harry Potter the Menace that lives! Strikes again but this time on our home soil.

-Harry Potter has been recently making a name for himself as a thief after his impossible feat of escaping Azkaban. Yesterday night he stole one of our founding fathers' most prized possessions his Foci. That's right George Washington's Foci has been stolen by this thirteen-year-old menace to society. He claimed the lives of two MLE officers, to their families we offer our deepest condolences may they rest in peace. When will this murderer and thief be caught! Stop his reign of terror!

- Article written by Joseph Jameson


And finally, the international Wizard's newspaper read,


Harry Potter wanted for Murder and Theft

- Harry Potter is according to the British is the Boy who lived. Recently he escaped from Azkaban being the first person to do so, how? We don't know. Harry Potter has recently been on the rise as a thief but now will murder be added to his charges? According to sources and the photos sent to us by the boy himself he has indeed stolen one of the American's finest Artifacts, George Washington's Foci. Not only did he steal such a thing he even murdered two MLE officers. How can a thirteen-year-old boy do such a thing! We send our condolences to the grieving families. May they rest in peace and the boy to be caught.

-Article written by James McCarthy


Yeah, my fame is shooting through the roof.

-narrator pov -

Sirius and Narcissa along with Andromeda and Tonks sat silently at the Black family table. All had a copy of the Quibbler and International Wizards Newspaper.

Sirius grabbed the newspaper firmly his eyes widened in shock the more he read. Anger coursed through his veins.

'Jack Sparrow mugged me my ass! This.. this is too much he actually killed two people. Harry, what has happened to you? Why couldn't you tell me earlier yes I'm mad but I could have helped the first kill is always the worst.' Sirius thought sadly

"Dumbledore is going to go insane," Tonks said breaking the silence

"Sigh, I know I know," Sirius said his eyes a little duller

Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, a certain Headmaster was freaking out.

'How could he do this! This isn't like him?! He was supposed to go to Azkaban and then come back once I free him willing to save the world. Why is this whole situation going to the gutters! The prophecy will be ruined at this point! No, I can't allow this! I must find him and drag that brat back myself. Yes for the Prophecy.' Albus thought obsessively

In America,

Derek Morgan was in serous pain as the hospital staff tried to heal his wounds. The spell Harry used is a creation of Severus Snape meaning only he and Harry have the counter spell. Luckily, healing magic is keeping him alive. The five originally stunned MLE officers are okay and two more are in critical condition. Two officers never made it to the hospital.

Luckily for Derek, one MLE officer went to Hogwarts during Snape's year, and he also by chance knew this spell after all he had seen shape practice it on the edges of the forbidden forest. He would never forget how Snape said a simple incantation and deep gashes carved themselves on a tree.

The Officer moved immediately to go fetch Snape.

All around the world wizards and witches alike were reading the news. Harry fucking potter created big waves this time around.

--Harry pov --

I decided to finally open the shop,


Passports and IDs-50fp

New random spell-100 fp

Knowledge in a random subject- 200 fp

Fancy clothes with enchantments- 110 fp

Fake credentials- 500 fp

Ritual ingredients: 500fp

Rare ritual ingredients: 2,000 fp

Eyes of value: 4,000 fp

I shows the value of items through a number

system (1-barely any value, 2- low value, 3- not

the best value, 4- can be useful, 5- medium

value, 6- good value, 7- high value, 8- very high

value, 9- amazing value, 10- Extraordinary


Current Fp- 13,500 fp (a/n:Remember it was printed by an International newspaper)

New items will be added each month!']

I quickly bought the two most important items, the Eyes of value and the rare ritual ingredients.

[congratulations you bought the eyes of value and rare ritual ingredients

Rare ritual ingredients:

-Blood and bones of a pure unicorn

-the blood and bones of a corrupted unicorn

- eastern dragon heart, Lung Dragon (lightning variant)

-Pheonix tears

-Blood of count Dracula]

I got some ingredients I can actually bolster my original ritual with maybe more than my legs will be bolstered.

Today my first big ritual will commence!


A/N: can you guess the ritual he will perform?

Sirius and Harry's talk is in my opinion what a real person would sound like with the history they have. Neither forgiven nor absolutely hated.

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