
Independence Day Part 2

"I like your bracelets."

Thor said, sitting beside Avril within NGH(Northbridge General Hospital) and waiting for the news on Rick Jones' condition. He was hoping that he made it in time, but also feared that he was too late. Avril was more or less nervous, excited, and scared. Rick Jones was her surrogate guardian who took her off the streets. Now he was hurt and she had no clue as to why that was the case. She looked up at Thor and smiled at the compliment. "Thanks, a friend of mine gave them to me." She replied then looked to Thor's hammer.

Mjölnir hung loosely off the side of Thor's belt. It only moved whenever Thor shifted in his seat a bit. "So um..", She began to say, "What's it like to fly?" Thor raised a brow at her from her question. Mentally, Avril was scolding herself for asking that kind of question. Mainly because she was just flown here by Thor. "Do you mean at high speeds or just flying?" Thor asked, wanting her to clarify.

"Just in general."

"Well, honestly it's amazing once you don't hear anything", He faced forward now before continuing, "It's like your weightless, at peace. Nothing to worry about except what's in front of you. I guess life could be like that, but the only difference is that you have your feet on the ground."

"Huh...I never knew that you were a philosopher."

"Eh, I try."

Before the two continued their conversation a male doctor exited the room. Avril sprung to her feet with worry being the emotion that she showed. "It's going to be alright, he's going to make it." The doctor reassured then walked with a nurse holding a clipboard. They conversed in a lower tone while Avril let out a sigh of relief. Thor wasn't sure what he was hearing, but he heard the doctor speaking as if Rick Jones was healing extremely fast. 'If that's true then he's not normal.' Blake thought then looked to Avril. The teenaged girl was sitting back down, relief being the expression that she was showing. "Well, I'm glad that your guardian will be alright." Thor commented, gaining Avril's attention once more. Just before she was going to respond, Thor got an alert from the earpiece in his ear.

Well, it was more like someone was trying to communicate with him. Thor tapped the earpiece and immediately heard the voice of one of the sidekicks that he knows. "Hey Thor, we could use some help!" Robin shouted before the sounds of inhuman screams overshadowed the audio. Thor frowned before looking to Avril. The girl was looking up to him now, she looked as if she was expecting him to say something. "Well...duty calls." Thor simply said then took a nearby pin from receptionist. He wrote down the address of a certain building, then put the name of said building atop of the address.

'Feast?' Avril thought, as she stared at the address. She noted that Thor wrote the address down on the wall rather than a piece of paper. "If you need a place to stay, try them." He offered and without waiting for her response he took off. The thunderer ran out of a nearby window, winded Mjölnir up, and took off into the sky once again. Blake was still in contact with Robin the entire time, so he was sure that the Boy Wonder was going to tease him once he got there. "Robin where are you guys?" Blake questioned and heard Robin's quick response. "Cadmus!" The Boy Wonder shouted.

Had Blake have been any other normal teen he would have asked for an address. Luckily for them, he wasn't a normal teen and he was aware of where Cadmus was. With a twirl, he made more momentum with Mjölnir and immediately afterwards took off. He broke the sound barrier as he soared through the air. Thor had no clue as to what was going on or why Robin was suddenly calling him. Then again, when had he ever known what was going on? Thor crossed over several hundred kilometers, intending to reach Cadmus as soon as possible. To any on the ground that saw him, he would look like a human missile causing shockwaves from his flight.

Cadmus was in sight now, he was almost there. Blake of course noted that Robin had stopped talking, meaning that they had either been defeated or worse...

'Stop thinking bad, think about smiting!' Thor thought and bore a serious look upon himself. He motioned downwards, heading straight down at Cadmus. Without slowing down, Blake used Mjölnir to punch a hole through the Cadmus facility like it was paper. He only came to a stop once he reached the lobby floor. His landing had caused a crater. As the dust settled, he looked towards the nearby door and ran for it. Thor moved with superhuman speed, nothing like the Flash of course, but fast enough to tag someone like Kid Flash. He stormed through the halls searching for Robin. Then grew frustrated, and with that frustration he raised Mjölnir. Thunder could be heard as the clouds gathered above Cadmus, with a mighty swing, Thor brought Mjölnir down onto the floor.

It wouldn't be long before he did so again, and again, and again. As Blake did this, he was passing through the secret lower levels of Cadmus. His swings from Mjölnir proving fruitful, albeit blunt. Blake wasn't known for his intelligence after all. He came to a stop when he heard those same inhuman screams once again. At this point, he was possible several levels down. That was when he heard the familiar running of a Speedster, his eyes turned to see a wall. It blocked the way for him to help his friends.

Winding up Mjölnir, Thor swung the hammer forward causing the wall to cave in. The dust clouded his vision briefly, but he watched as a male shape came into view. One that looked oddly familiar, before he could speak he saw another shape come at him. It was a teen around his age, one who had a white body suit as well as Superman's symbol on it. The teen sent a wild haymaker into Thor's cheek. The blow did nothing but make Thor turn his head. For a moment there was silence, until Thor slowly turned his attention onto the teen. The boy's eyes widened as Thor gave him a death glare. "I'm going to break you now..." Thor slowly threatened.

That was when the small form of Robin got between him and the other teen. "Hold on Thor!", he called, "He's with us he didn't mean it!" Thor looked down at the small figure of Robin then raised a brow at him. That was when he turned his attention towards two other teens there. 'Kaldur, Wally?' Blake thought then looked behind them. He saw a few gray creatures running down the hall behind them. They were making their way towards the group of young heroes. Thor without hesitating, twirled Mjölnir around, and tossed it at the center of the mass of monsters. The hammer collided with them, sending a few flying into the wall or backwards like ragdolls. "Man am I so glad to see you.." Wally commented. "I agree, you are a sight for sore eyes." Kaldur agreed.

"Come on, I made a hole." Thor said then called Mjölnir back. However, before the other teen in white ran through the hole in the wall. Thor grabbed him by the cuff of his shirt and made the teen look at him. "When this is over...I'm expecting you to take a punch from me." Thor warned, causing the boy to slowly nod. Thor released him, then felt Mjölnir return to his grasp. "Dude!" Wally exclaimed, "You actually made a hole in the floor! What did it have a second opinion?" To this, Thor looked at Wally then grabbed him by his arm. "What are you doing?" Wally asked then saw that Robin Kaldur were already making their way up the hole. "You can't jump high, fly, or use a grappling hook so.." Blake said, then with a smirk, he tossed Wally upwards like a softball. The yellow costumed teen screamed in terror at the action.

This gained a snicker from Robin as Thor winded Mjölnir up and flew through the many holes in the floor. "I gotta ask, how did you know that would work?" Robin questioned, referring to the holes. "I didn't, just did it because I don't like playing cat and mouse." Thor responded then caught Wally as he flew past him. He had the red headed Speedster by his arm once again. Thor came to a halt on the same floor that he burst through, then flew back to get the other three heroes. Once they were together once again, Thor turned to see a brown haired man looking at them.

He wore a pair of glasses, a lab coat, and held a vile of sorts in his hand. "This will give me the power to stop this chaos." He said then drunk the liquid within the vile. Thor and the other four heroes watched as the suppised scientist's body contorted. He grew larger, even to the point of ripping through his clothes. His eyes became red with no pupils that could be seen. The skin on the scientist was dark grey with some of his skin even being pushed off. A animalistic growl left him before locking eyes on the group of heroes. "Right...context please?" Thor asked, really just asking Robin. "That's Desmond Miles, headhoncho of Cadmus and definitely, DEFINITELY, not feeling whelmed."

That last word made Blake look at him confused but with a smirk. A roar was heard and when he turned back around Desmond had rushed him. The now transformed scientist tackled Thor and ran through a few walls. Before this tackling could go on further, Thor brought Mjölnir down onto Desmond's back. The creature howled in pain as the two came out of another wall back in the lobby area. Thor jumped away from Desmond then eyed the scientist. It looked like he was sizing the mutated man up. Robin and the others arrived not long after as Desmond rose to his feet. He roared at Thor in anguish, a bruise being left on his back from Mjölnir's blow.

Thor did something that would shock everyone but Desmond. He dropped Mjölnir, allowing the top of the hammer to hit the floor with a metallic thud. "What's he doing, does he want to get killed!?" Wally exclaimed before going to help his friends. Kaldur's hand landed on Wally's shoulder stopping the teen. "Be at peace, if Thor decided to drop his hammer it only means one thing." Kaldur stated, prompting Robin to speak up. "He doesn't need it.." Robin finished. Just as those words left him, Desmond charged at Thor once again. This time however Thor dashed at him, the two brought their fists up. Thor with an uppercut and Desmond with a downwards punch. Both superhumans hit the other with a powerful punch into each other's face.

The first one to recover however was Thor, he locked his eyes on Desmond and rushed at him. He jumped up and brought an elbow down into Desmond's face. The mutated scientist groaned before Thor got behind him, wrapped his arms around Desmond, then suplexed him. The sidekick onlookers watched with impressed and shocked expressions, they had never actually seen Thor fight like this before. Then again, they hardly worked with him to know how strong he actually is. Before Desmond could get back onto his feet, Thor grabbed him into a chokehold. The mutated scientist tossed and turned, trying to break free. That was when he threw a fist into Thor's face, which dazed him.

Thor's hold on Desmond was weak enough for him to get free. Then with a devastating left swing he sent Thor stumbling backwards. The punch having actually did some damage. Nothing to quite write home about since Thor was of course still standing. "I think...that you all want to leave the building now." Thor warned, clearing stating that he was about to turn up. Robin figuring that out first began to push the other three sidekicks out the door. Thor's eyes locked onto Desmond's, the two had an intense stare own before Thor raised his hand to do a hand gesture. "Bring it." He uttered, causing a roar to leave Desmond once again.

The mutated scientist charged once more at Thor but instead of meeting the charge, the Thunderer stood still. He winded his fist back, balling his fist up tightly. A playful smirk sported his lips, just as Desmond reached him. Thor sent a forward punch into Desmond's jaw, the blow causing a small shockwave which blew out the windows and blew any debris away from them. Thor had just punched Desmond with a powerful punch that was meant to be taken by someone like Superman. The mutated scientist's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his body went flying through the wall. His body impacted the outside pavement, leaving an indent of where he landed. Blake walked outside after retrieving Mjölnir and looked at the sidekicks. They gawked at him, staring as if they had just seen something godly.

The first to break the awkward silence was Wally. "Dude, that was awesome!" He exclaimed, causing a smile to form on Thor's lips. "It's hard to pull my punches sometimes", Thor began, "Whenever I sparred with Superman, those were the punches that we were throwing at each other." That revelation let a few of them know that Thor was not someone to take lightly. Before they could go into a conversation, Thor looked up to see the Justice League...the ENTIRE Justice League. Each of the older heroes coming down to land, looking at the unconscious Desmond Miles, then back to the young heroes. The first one to break the silence was of course the Dark Knight himself, Batman. "Talk..."

After an explanation from Robin, Thor stood of to the side with arms folded over his chest. He was deep in thought about something, not of Cadmus no. He was thinking back on Avril and Rick. The two were odd to him, they were suddenly attacked by an alien machine of unknown make or model. Aliens haven't been in his city before, what made those two special? 'Maybe I could ask Green Lantern if he knows something' Blake thought, when he turned his attention back to the group. He saw Batman, Flash, and Aquaman beginning to converse with their protégés. "You could have called!" Flash shouted, obviously unhappy.

"We did call", Wally replied then pointed at Thor. "He's not a member of the League." Batman stated with that iconic cold and emotionless voice. "Didn't know that I needed to be a part of it to help others." Thor replied, now approaching the group. "Stand down son", Aquaman ordered, "You're involvement while appreciated, should not have been warranted in the first place." Thor raised a brow at the King of Atlantis. "If it takes you all hours to get here before me, then maybe it should have", Thor said, soundly annoyed now, "Your protégés could have died, and it wouldn't be their fault, it'd be yours. What event has to have the entire League somewhere else rather than here? These guys did good work, the work that YOU all trained them for!"

Robin, Wally, Kaldur, and now Super Boy stared at Thor with surprise. "See this is why I don't want any part of the League anymore", Thor revealed causing Flash and Aquaman to give him shocked expressions, "You guys are getting too comfortable with the peace. The bad guys are getting smarter, WAY smarter. They made a whole facility with an army to boot right in the same state as your headquarters. You're telling me just because we did something that you didn't authorize, is subject to scolding?" Thor's words hung in the air, before he scoffed at them then turned away. He walked over towards the protégés, then came to a stop at Superboy. He stared at Superboy for a moment, then with superhuman speed, he sent a sucker punch into the boy's right cheek.

Superboy fell onto his rear holding his cheek then glared upwards at Thor. "Hurts?", Thor suddenly asked, "Good, it means that you're alive. Remember that feeling, means that you aren't a weapon if you can feel pain." Those words surprised Superboy who lost the rage that had boiled up inside of him. Thor twirled Mjölnir up and created much momentum. Enough to the point that when he took off, the very ground beneath him shook. He took off into the skies once again, leaving a bemused, saddened, or annoyed group of heroes to their own devices. Thor had just cut ties with the Justice League, Blake had just cut ties towards a authoritarian society of heroes. Now he soared his way home, back to Northbridge.

Little did he know that his involvement at Cadmus had changed history. Not only that, but also it changed a few minds, made a new sort of hero, and even possibly created a new age of heroism. History has been changed, nothing will ever be the same after tonight.

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