
Chapter 69 Master Cing Zhen

"What is optic nerve?" Lu Jin asked.

"Optic nerve is a channel that transfers electrical signals gotten from the retina of the eye to the brain, which turns the signals into images," elder Tu said.

"I don't get what you're saying," Lu Jin said.

"What am saying is that, what makes you able see is destroyed," elder Tu said.

"Don't you have a pill that can fix it?" Lu Jin asked.

"None I've heard about, or maybe it doesn't exist," elder Tu said.

"But you don't know that right?" Lu Jin asked as tears flow down his eyes.

"Why can I cry?" Lu Jin asked as he felt tear drops on his cheek.

"Looks the pill I gave to you healed your lacrimal gland," elder Tu said.

"It healed my lacrimal gland but couldn't heal my optic nerve, how useless," Lu Jin muttered.

"I understand your pain, but you have to bare with it," elder Tu said.

"No you don't. You haven't been blind before so how can you understand how I feel!" Lu Jin shouted.

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