
Ch.30 Proposal.

Cold wind blew on my face, and I was frozen in my boots when I heard his voice. "So this is what you look like, huh?" Who is he? And why is he here?

He walked towards me and said, "Honestly was hoping for someone older than you, it seems the younger generation is more gifted than me." He chuckled, and he stopped at the tree and looked at me and smiled and said, "It's nice to finally meet you."

I squinted and said, "I'm sorry, do I know you? Because you like the kind of person who will leave a… mark."

He chuckled and said, "You're funny, but not enough I am afraid…"

I sighed and asked, "Do you want something, cause if not I have somewhere to be… so." I turned around and tried to walk away, and he chuckled and said, "I know you are the wolf."

I froze, my heart sped up, and I turned around and said, "What? What are you on about, man?"

He smiled and said, "Let's not beat around the bush, shall we?" He grunted, and his face fixed itself.

He looked at me and smiled, and I asked, "You here to kill me? Because it's not going to go your way… like every other time."

He chuckled and said, "Now, why would I want to kill you?"

I looked at him and said, "The last time we met, you specifically said "I'll kill you for sure this time." and by the way, how's your arm?"

His arm shook a little and grunted, he exhaled, put on a smile and said, "Well, that's behind us now. Why fight when we can be allies?"

I squinted and said, "Yeah, I don't know about all that… seeing that you are a murderer."

He chuckled and said, "Well, I believe you don't have a choice in the matter." He walked towards the cave and said, "I believe that your friend is with me." He bent down and was looking for something.

My blood started to boil, I was enraged. All this time I thought she was… but I breathed and got my anger in control and said, "And why do you believe that I would do anything you say for a coyote no less?"

He looked back at me and said, "You don't know?"

I asked him, "I don't know what?"

He chuckled and said, "Ah, you really are new in this thing, huh?" He got her blanket from the cave. He got up, dusted it and said, "She is a werecoyote. She is like us, human."

I was shocked, so this is why she understood me and why she was upset with me. He smiled and said, "Now, the deal is easy… you become my subordinate and I give her back to you." He then smiled and continued, "And I'll do you one better, I'll return her to you as a human… and you both can enjoy your little lives, how about that?"

I grunted and smiled, "How about I kill you now and go get her myself? It'll be easier that what you propose."

He chuckled and said, "Well, you see unlike you, I have some help, so if I die so does she."

It seems like I don't have an option for now. I grunted and said, "How can I be sure you are not lying?"

He chuckled and said, "I know you would say that, so I took the liberty to take this."

He tossed me his phone. I caught it and I played the video. I saw Ashley in a cage. She tried to break the cage, but the cage was live with electricity, as soon as she would touch the bars she would get shocked. She laid down and whimpered. I couldn't bear to see her like this. I was pissed, I wanted to kill him right now.

And he said, "Now, it's just a precautionary measure to ensure that she stays is safe with us."

I grunted and asked, "If I agree to this? Would let her go?"

He smiled and nodded and said, "I promise, you have my word."

I looked at him and asked, "But what do you want?"

He smiled and said, "I just want revenge… simple as that." He then smiled and said, "I'll be in touch with you." He turned around but then stopped and asked, "I forgot to ask what's your name?"

I smacked my lips and said, "Finn Belmont, what's yours?"

He squinted his eyes but then said, "It's Peter, Peter Hale… and yeah don't try and do something stupid otherwise… well you know the rest."

He started to walk away, and I exhaled and said, "What am I supposed to do now?"


I don't trust him for a second, but I don't have a choice for now. I really need to think of something. Not only that, but I need help, but how who will help me? I exhaled and decided not to think of it for now. I needed to go home. It is starting to get dark.

I reached my home and got out of my car. I was exhausted. I just wanted to have some peace. I walked inside and mom was making dinner, I wondered if I should tell her about this? But if I don't want her to get involved in all this. She said, "Finn? Is that you?"

I said, "Yeah, mom, it's me." She came out of the kitchen while holding a knife, she exhaled and said, "I was worried someone broke into our house or something."

She looked at me and put her hands on my face and said, "Are you alright?"

I smiled and nodded and said, "I am fine, just tired."

She smiled and said, "Well, then you are in luck, I just made my favorite, beef roast. So go and freshen up it will be ready in a few minutes."


I felt like I was being drowned at the bottom of a lake, like it was impossible for me to breathe, yet I still could. I was trapped in a cage, I was in a dark large room, the room reeked of alcohol. I was taken from my home, I wanted to go back. I wanted to go to him.

I heard footsteps, I looked to see who it was, and it was that same monster. He walked towards me, and he bent down and looked at me and smiled. I growled at him… I wanted to rip his throat out. He chuckled and said, "Now, don't be so upset… I brought you food."

He threw me a deer leg and I threw it away and growled and said, "Now, do you know how hard it was to get?" He sniffed and said, "Alright, I get you are angry, but I bring you a good news."

He smiled and said, "Your friend Finn, he might just accept to work under me… and if he does, you get to be free and if you behave I can help you become human again."

I looked at him, and he said, "Honestly he is quite stupid, I mean, how can he not notice another shape-shifter right under his nose?"

I growled at him, how dare he say Finn is stupid, he is the smartest person I know. He chuckled and said, "Looks like I have struck a nerve…" He got up and said, "Well, I do pray that he accepts for your sake, I would hate to kill a power shape-shifter such as yourself."

He walked away and locked the giant door on his way. I was happy that Finn knew about me and wanted to help me, but I didn't want him to do anything for him. I wish I could get out of here.


Hey guys I hope you guys liked the chapter, I know that the chapter is on the shorter size but there is a reason. My brain wasn't functioning well because of lack of sleep on Saturday. I was helping at the clinic and all that.

Secondly I have had help from a lot of people from discord like Kenny, blashpemer reader, Morgansin and many others. Thank you all who came.

Lastly I saw one long rant in my inbox that basically said I have ruined the FF. By making the mc getting caught at the cave and if any of you feel that way I am sorry.

I am just trying to write what I feel is good. My ideas are not that good or bright. If you don't like them it's okay.

That's why I will be uploading like the draft chapters on discord so that you guys can give feedback and I can change stuff. Sojoin the discord if you want to the link is in previous chapter and in my bio.

With all that said if you liked the chapter leave a comment and throw some stones while you are at it and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye

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