
Chapter 47: A Different Language

A few days later, she woke up when Zacar leaned over her and pressed his forehead against hers.

"Good morning," she said while lying perfectly still. The winter was speeding by in a haze of long, heated hours of lovemaking, cocooned in her tent with Zacar. When he wasn't working in the new cave, he insisted on his bargained-for four hours. Not that he had to insist very hard. Her alien might not say any sweet words to her but he sure knew how to make sweet love.

"Good morning, my breeder."

She stifled a groan as her belly did flip-flops. Obviously, her birth control had not worked against his alien sperm, and she was too worried about losing the content of her stomach to care that he'd called her that disgusting name. Sometimes she wondered if he did it to see her reaction.

Physically, they were as close as two people could get. But although he carefully fed her and watched over her every move, emotionally, they were still oceans apart.

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