

Suddenly the atmosphere became silent. In the next room, all I could hear was blues music playing slowly. chill Cleo is enjoying the holidays this season by studying hard to enter University. If I intend to continue my education, then I will go to Julliard. Which meant I had to take the biggest music audition at my school. Oh no. I actually have stage fright. Especially since I haven't touched the cello in a long time.

"Elsie," Hayley lay down, huddled next to me. "How are you with Jace?" Her lips pursed. "I'm jealous, really."

"And why didn't you tell us anything?" It was Isabelle's turn to grab fast.

"Come on, you're not strafing me?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Well… he is… different."

"Different?" One of Lea's eyebrows rose in interest—or perhaps curiosity.

Suddenly I felt like I was being bombarded with butterflies in my stomach imagining his face. Or all the things we do together. I could feel a small sting in my heart. Oh, it's not!

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