
The Snows of The Dreadfort

Riverrun, Riverlands, ninth moon of 281 AC

Ragnar Pov

Ragnar didn't like the Riverlands very much; at first, it was due to the smell of the land, which smelled like humid fish; then it was because the Riverlands grounds were muddy; everywhere he stepped, the ground was muddy; that problem went away as soon as it came, for the ground was only muddy near the Kingsroad. Then the biggest problem in the Riverlands appeared, their people. The Riverlanders were extremely different from the Northerners; they talked and walked differently, and the few knights he saw in the Riverlands were nothing more than up-jumped bandits, charging tolls on the fools and sometimes outright robbing people; and those were "warriors" anointed in their gods' name, but what can one expect from a warrior of a corrupt religion?

That was why Ragnar reacted so poorly when Petyr Baelish said that "all heathen should be put to the sword."; that and the fact his daughter was part of those that should be put to the sword. Ragnar wanted blood; unfortunately, Brandon asked to be the one fighting as he was the one to be challenged, and Benjen agreed with his brother, so he reluctantly let Brandon fight.

The so-called fight wasn't a fight at all; Brandon slashed at Petyr Baelish, and with one strike, the boy went down… miserably. Brandon was true to his words and didn't kill the boy, something Ragnar admonished him for… eight times… in a roll. But it was for naught; Brandon would keep true to his word, something Ragnar admired him for, as much as he disagreed with Brandon's decision.

Dacey and Ragnar were walking on the Tumblestone's river bank, with Lynara seated on Ragnar's neck; Dacey was as beautiful as always; her blue eyes shone brightly, and her face glowed as it had done the first time she got pregnant, her hair was braided in a Skago-Lynesse style, which made her face look ever prettier as two strands of hair fell from each side of her head and reached till her cheeks, giving her a mischievous aura, something Ragnar pointed out several times he liked.

" Papa, can we go in water?" Lynara asked, " Plewwse?"

" Nay… not this water, baby. These waters are dangerous. But I'll take you to swim in the sea someday!" Ragnar answered as he got hold of his daughter's little feet and squeezed them, much to the two name day old's delight

" Otay, papa" Lynara said

" You are a great Father, Ragnar. You don't spoil her much, and you always spend time with her whenever possible. I wonder how you will do when our second child is born." Dacey said as she put her hand on her belly, something Ragnar missed as he began playing with Lynara

" Daddy is the best daddy, am I not?" Ragnar said as he tickled Lynara, who was laughing like the child she was.

" Daddy the best!" Lynara said between laughs

" Aye…" Ragnar said as he gave a quick glance at Dacey, who still had her hands on her belly…

" You jest!" Ragnar said

" No, my love! My moonblood is late, and I asked Benjen to see if I was pregnant… he confirmed." Dacey said, and Ragnar nodded

" Little shit! That's why he had that insufferable smile on his face all day!" Ragnar murmured. He then looked at Dacey and quickly gave her a passionate kiss, much to Lynara's displeasure

"Ewww! Papa! Mama!" Lynara said.

Dacey had a big smile on her face, as did Ragnar.

" Tell me, Ragnar. Would you like it to be a boy this time?" Dacey asked, and Ragnar shrugged

" I would love a boy as much as a girl. You gave me Lynara, and I wouldn't change her for anything in this world. It wouldn't matter. But a boy is the better option for Skagos; it would bring security." Ragnar said calmly.

" Aye… I hope the baby is a boy. It would bring me peace to know our family is secure." Dacey said, and Ragnar deadpanned

" Lynara will have a Dragon… and I will train her on arms and magic… no one would dare contest her right to inherit my lands should you bare me no son," Ragnar said, and Dacey nodded

" Aye… it would be funny seeing them vultures try and take what is ours…." Dacey said

" Indeed," Ragnar said he then looked up to see his daughter looking at him with a curious gaze

" So what do you think? Would you like a little brother or sister?" Ragnar asked

" Huh? Brota? Sista?" Lynara asked confused

"Aye… one more of you to play… play and play all day," Dacey said, and Lynara smiled and nodded furiously

" Like one more papa?" Lynara asked

" Like one more Lynara.." Ragnar said

" But… I just one!" Lynara said as she put one finger up to show the number one

" Aye… but a brother would- you will get one more friend." Ragnar tried once more

" like papa?" Lynara asked

" like papa but really small," Ragnar answered

" I like," Lynara said, and Ragnar laughed.

" I figured you would," Ragnar said as he and Dacey kept walking, the letter with a smile on her face.

When they got back to Riverrun, it was almost time for them to depart for Harrenhal. Lynara was sleeping, and House Tully's servants got all their belongings ready for them to depart.

( time skip 7 hours)

Ragnar rode in the front with Brandon, Benjen and his Direwolf, and Greatjon; Dacey followed behind with Barbrey Ryslwell and Lyanna Stark, and the rest of the Northern lords rode behind. Hoster Tully, his two daughters, and his household decided to wait a day to proceed to Harrenhal. By doing so, he would give the Northerners the space they needed after that whole affair at Riverrun

Brandon and Ragnar kept talking the whole time; Brandon asked Ragnar about things to do to better the North, how to help the poorest houses, etc.

" You should build roads, real roads, not like the Kingsroad. Roads would make everything so much faster, armies would be able to assemble thrice as quickly as they do now, trade would have a significant boom, and new towns would be created. Another thing you should do is teach the children their letters; if at least one person per house is educated, then your decrees, laws, or announcements would take a lot less time to sink in. You must also have a good relationship with your wife; she will be the one managing your castle; a letter could cause war, as well as stop one. I've told you before, and I will repeat it. We are as strong as we are united and as weak as we are divided. A house divided against itself cannot stand." Ragnar said to Brandon, who nodded.

" Then it will never work. She defended that Petyr boy. She is as zealous as that disgusting septa of hers. I talked to her, Brandon, and she said she would ask you to allow a sept to be built in Winterfell." Benjen said

" Over my dead body… I would never allow such a thing! But Lord Dovahkiin is right! I must have a United house, which will never happen with Catelyn Tully as my wife. That is why I will marry someone secretly." Brandon said, and he had to duck from a slap intended to hit on the back of his head

" Are you dumb or just fucking stupid? Father would never allow it. He could pass you over as heir! Ned would be the perfect heir! Calm, collected, obedient! Do not try your luck! Talk to father first!" Benjen said, and Brandon's face went red with anger. He was ready to begin shouting but was interrupted.

" Do not should right now; my daughter is sleeping. Keep your cool, or I will take your voice from you." Ragnar said, his voice as calm as the wind in summer. " I will talk to your father. Alyssane Blackwood would be a better match for you. I've been talking to Lord Blackwood about trade agreements; he spoke to me about Alyssane once; he said she's Black Aly come again," Ragnar said, and Brandon nodded.

" That is acceptable… Blackwoods were from the north. And of what Lord Blackwood said is the truth, then she's at least interesting." Brandon said, and Ragnar nodded.

" Good, just as long as we are all in agreement. Father will accept. The Blackwoods produce a lot of grains, and House Stark now has more gold than all of the Noble houses of the Riverlands combined." Benjen said, and Ragnar nodded; he didn't know how much gold the Stark had now, but with his last six years of taxes alone gave them a good one and a half million gold, nothing too much as House Dovahkiin had revenue of six to seven million gold dragons annually. That was almost as much as the Sea Snake did during his life; the thing was, Ragnar had more ships than the Sea Snake, and his ships were magically protected, which allowed it to trade with Yi-Ti and other parts of Essos. However, he had no trade agreement with anyone other than the Ibbenease and the Bravossi. The trips to Yi-Ti and the shadowlands were few, but they were highly profitable.

Ragnar and the other Northern Lords would ride two more days till they got to Harrenhal. The castle was as sad as described, grand, but sad. Many Lords were already there. Most Westerands houses were already present, as well as most Riverland's and Vale's houses. Many of the Crownlands would be arriving with Rhaegar, as would many Reach Lords. The Lords were happy; the purpose of this tournament was an open secret to Rhaegar's supporters, one no one dared to say out loud. Aerys reign would cease to exist through diplomacy or war.

(Time skip the night)

The Great Hall of Harrenhal was packed with nobles, some dancing as the bards played, some taking to business partners or family. Most of them were having a good time. The boisterous Lords were drinking and feasting as they should. Brandon Stark was dancing with Alyssane Blackwood, a tall woman with big teats, grey eyes, and raven-haired; she was taller than Dacey and as beautiful as his wife.

Ragnar and his family sat at a table with all Northern Lords and a few allies. Eddard Stark had a reunion with his family; Robert Baratheon was enamored with Lyanna Stark, much to the girl's annoyance.

" When will your sister marry Robert?" Ragnar asked Benjen, who looked at him confused

" Never… Father wants all Starks other than Brandon to marry in the North." Benjen said and Ragnar's eyes widened

" Why?" Ragnar asked " I thought he wanted to have powerful allies to help The North," Ragnar said; he had an idea of why but he chose to ask just for the sake of it

" Aye… but then you showed up with an Ice Dragon and gave it to women born Mormont… who would rather die than betray our house. We don't need more power to secure the North. We are secured enough as we are." Benjen said, and Ragnar nodded.

" Isn't that interesting… so you and Lyanna are the only ones not betrothed to someone right now?" Ragnar asked

" Aye… Eddard will marry Barbrey Ryswell, as Brandon had promised House Ryswell to marry his daughter to a Stark." Benjen said, and Ragnar nodded

"I thought Eddard would take a Manderlyn wife; he will be the Stark in the Moat, won't he?" Ragnar asked

" Aye… but Donella Manderlyn got betrothed to Halys Hornwood a moon before father sent him a raven asking about her. I thought you knew about that…don't you have spies all over Westeros?" Benjen said

" No… only below the Neck. I don't need to place spies in the North. I guess those letters got loose when Frostfall Maester moved down to Kingshouse port." Ragnar said.

" Aye… did you have to make Marwyn stay in that Magicka well for a year?" Benjen asked, and Ragnar nodded

"He dabbled with sacrificial magic… his magic had to be cleaned from that." Ragnar said and that was the truth.

When Maester Merwyn arrived in Skagos and saw the College of Winterhold, he knelt to Ragnar and asked him to teach him the higher mysteries; Ragnar accepted but demanded a magical oath from him, a simple one that guaranteed secrecy and all that. He then tried to open Marwyn's Magicka pool only to find that the Maester had dabbled with sacrificial magic, something Ragnar abhorred. Marwyn promised never to practice that again, and Ragnar told him the only way to clean his pool was by letting him live in a magicka pool inside the College for a whole year. The man accepted.

Ragnar kept drinking with his family and fellow lords happily. Lynara, surprisingly enough, liked the whole atmosphere; seeing all happy around her made her happier than ever; she laughed with the other Lords and played games with others. Escalating Ragnar and Greatjon Umber seemed to be her favorite game, much to both giants' happiness.

" Jamie Lannister challenged me to a spar; it will take place tomorrow." Said Benjen said as he returned from wherever he went. Ragnar smiled but said nothing.

" It seems your little verbal spar with Cersei Lannister came back to bite your ass," commented Dacey, " or to bite his ass most probably." She completed, and Ragnar laughed out loud.

A few minutes later, Cersei Lannister passed by their table, followed by a handful of Westerlands little ladies. She stopped, turned to Benjen, and said.

" I've heard you will spar against my brother tomorrow, my lord. I wish you good luck… you undoubtedly will need it." Cersei Lannister said, " I asked the next song for you… just to bring up the mood." completed Cersei Lannister before curtsying and leaving.

A few minutes later, the bards began playing the rains of Castamere; Benjen, instead of getting mad, seemed to find it all amusing. After the song ended, Benjen got up and went to the bard, she stood there, and a few seconds later, the same melody of the Rains of Castamere began again, but that time it was Benjen who sang.

And who are you?

The leech lord said

That I must bow so low?

Only a lord of meek grey wolf, that's all the truth I know!

In your scales of black and fields of red your dragon might have claws

But our blades are long and sharp my lord

Way sharper than your claws…

And so he spoke and so he spoke the Lord of Dreadfort

And now the snow falls on his halls with no one there to see

Oh yes, the snow falls on his halls with not a soul to hear

The Northern Lords went crazy after Benjen finished the song. Ragnar looked at the Westerlands table to see a seething Cersei Lannister throw her mug at a servant.

"By Akatosh's mercy! I love this boy!"


A/N: Finally Harrenhal guys!

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