
The Free Gacha

Rune laid back on his new bed. To his surprise, Serro was a beautiful town built up from dust until it surpassed even the kingdom. This was how the many men that lived here chose to fight back. Living their best life.

Many crafters and fighters lined this powerful city, though not a single woman was in sight. The men didn't whine, however, they decided to use their skills to welcome anyone and everyone sent their way. Though they held hope that women would be freed one day.

Having only just been summoned, then exiled, Rune was welcomed with more warmth than he expected. He was given a free room, for a month, until he could fend for himself. Even given some tips and tricks about the world, though the men didn't know he was a summoned hero.

"So my ability is a gacha. The Hero's Gacha. I lived my life in hell and solitude due to gacha before, but this one is here to help me. So here goes nothing..."

Glad he wasn't scared by gacha, Rune lifted his hand and began to focus. With a single blink, a special screen appeared in front of his eyes.

'Hero's Gacha!

Special service gacha is ready for use!

Limited Gacha: 1 Free Pull

Hero's Gacha: Free 10 Time Pull'

"Hmm. I got some free uses, but what's the difference?"

'Limited Gacha: A special gacha to obtain a combat or assistant summon. First time pull is free, limited to 1 of 3 Normal type units.

Hero's Gacha: A basic gacha to obtain items, abilities and even summons. Your luck stat will affect this Gacha. Currently limited to Rare pulls. After the free 10 pull, you may accumulate summon charges by defeating enemies at or above your current level. 10 enemies are required for 1 charge. 10 charges may be used to perform an Event Gacha. (Currently unavailable)'

Rune started blankly, crossing his legs.

"Seems useful, but how am I supposed to work with this here? This area is said to be tough. I was sent here to die, after all."


Rune looked back to the screen before him, the noise something he wasn't aware of.

'Event Gacha: Special free pull available'

"I thought that one was 'currently unavailable'? What happened? And what's the event?"

'Event Gacha: A special, changing, gacha. 1 free pull will be permitted with each change in event. Event shifts every 30 days. Limited to Rare, due to luck stat. Current Event: Newbie'

"I guess that luck stat needs to be my focus if I want something really strong. How loud is this gonna be?"

A button appeared on the screen for the Event Gacha. Rune held his finger over it for a moment before pushing it down.

"This just looks weird."

The button sank in, shifting into something akin to a playing card. The color began to pulse back and forth between bronze and silver, finally stopping on silver.


Rune took the card as it began to fall, flipping it over. The back was the same silver, but a large set of letters were cut into the surface.

'Congrats, you have obtained a silver EXP dungeon card! Please tear the card for one admittance to the silver EXP dungeon.'

Rune could only accept it, this was probably the best thing in the Newbie Event for him.

"Now I need to use the other two Gacha's. Limited it is then. I'm curious what kind of summon. Maybe a combat pet or a monster to help me out."

Pressing the button once more, a bronze card fell into his hand. Flipping it, the card depicted being torn apart. Following through, Rune began to tear the card.

"Please don't immediately kill me."

'Congrats! You have summoned the Normal unit; Broken Doll, Marisa.'

With a burst of air, Rune quickly sat on the edge of his bed. His hair stood on end, the thought of a broken doll beginning to give him a sense of dread. As the air cleared around him, a figure was seen standing idly beside the bed. It was distinctly feminine in form, but the small chips and cracks across her body slowly began to emerge as the dust cloud faded.

'She's beautiful.'

Rune took a sharp breath as he stared at Marisa. Her skin was like porcelain, though the damage made her seem even more fragile. Long silver hair was draped over her shoulders as well as reaching her waist. Large white eyes stared at Rune, reflecting his face back.


Marisa didn't budge. Rune lifted a hand, waving slowly.

"Can you understand me?"

Marisa had no reaction once more.

"Is something wrong? Wh-who are you?"

'Broken Doll, Marisa: An automated, lifeless doll.

Rank: Normal

Element: Earth

Stars: -----

Level: 1

Strength: D

Vitality: C+

Stamina: C-

Speed: E

Magic: F

Focus: B

Luck: C



Axe: C

Dagger: C

Sword: C

Spear: D

Mace: D

Shield: C'

"She's a bit tankier than me, but she's lifeless. Her stars are blanked out as well, so maybe I should figure out how to-"

His voice trailed off as he saw his reflection in her eyes. Before he could stop himself, his hands guided her face closer to his. Rune looked into her eyes, his reflection showing a handsome young man.

"I don't look like a corpse anymore? Is this how I would've looked before I died? If i had taken care of myself? Hehe... mom's eyes, dad's facial structure. It's weird seeing them in me."

Unable to stop himself, Rune pulled Marisa into a hug. Tears slid down his face as he trembled with the doll in his arms.

"Thank you."

He held her for a short while before his eyes flashed open. Letting her go, he jumped back. Before Rune realized what was going on, his ankle got caught on his blanket. Tumbling out of his bed, with a loud crash, he could only laugh awkwardly up at Marisa.

'Would you like to take ownership of the Broken Doll, Marisa?'

"Huh? I summoned her. I thought that she was supposed to be mine from the get-go? Ah... yes, anyways. I'll claim ownership, at least until she can decide if she wants me to own her."

The screen pulsed, then blipped out of existence. Rune got to his feet, awkwardly holding out his hand to steady Marisa's footing. Holding her hands, he paused a moment.

"You're incredibly warm. Surely, a lifeless doll would be cold."

With a quick glance up, Rune gave Marisa a soft smile.

"I'll do my best to take care-"

A sudden knock cause Rune to move on instinct. His blanket now covered Marisa's body as a voice came from the door.

"Mr. Rune, you alright? I heard some loud banging."

"Aha. Sorry Lloyd. My ankle got caught when I tried to stand. I'm alright!"

"That's good. Dinner should be done soon. Come on down when you're hungry."

His footsteps faded, leaving Rune to pull the blanket off of Marisa. Her expression stayed blank, though this left Rune with a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"I'll be back. If you get cold, you can use the blanket."

With that, Rune left the room to head downstairs. The inn he had been given a room at was extremely warm and decorated beautifully. The inviting air was all that the men of Serro wished to give off.

"Ah, new guy came down. How's goin kid?"

A large man sat at the bar, his muscles gleaming in the candlelight. No hair on his head, just a few scars here and there. A true bear of a man.

"Mr. Rune, care to eat?"

Lloyd stood behind the bar, his glasses glinting softly. He was smaller, almost feminine, but that was his elvish charm.

"Just us three? Hello Garren, and gladly."

Rune sat at the bar, a war plate of seasoned pasta was placed before him.

"This will be on the house. Once you're accustomed, I'll gladly accept payment in the future."

Rune could only smile to himself. This warmth, this friendly atmosphere. It was something he longed for, though he could only blame himself for the way his life ended up.

"Thank you."

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