
Chapter 7 : Singing the contract.

Third person point of view

The next morning, Jihoon woke up first. He saw Junkyu was still fast asleep. He didn't wake him up and decided to finish his things first. He went to the washroom and finished everything. He went to the wardrobe and dressed up. He picked up his phone and walked out of the bedroom. He called Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk picked up at the first ring.

" Hello ". " Good morning hyung ". Jihoon replied. " Morning Jihoon-ah. How is he ? " Jihoon glanced at the bedroom. " He is fine I guess. He did sleep well. I will come pick you up and then we will go to the office. I will leave a text when we leave ". " Okay. I will go get ready then. Make sure he eats something. Don't let him skip it ".

" Okay hyung. I will hang up then ". " Yeah ". Jihoon hung up and went to the bedroom. " Junkyu-ah, wake up ". Junkyu didn't even budge. Jihoon shook him a little. " Junkyu-ah~~ wake up ". Junkyu twitched a little with a frown and nodded to show he woke up. " Yah. Wake up for real. I will go prepare breakfast ".

Jihoon walked out of the bedroom. He went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He took out some eggs, ham, vegetables and rice too. He quickly prepared some fried rice. Junkyu did wake up and went to the bathroom. He finished everything and walked out in a bathrobe. He looked around and picked out a pair of black jeans and white t-shirt.

He put them on and then took out a plaid shirt. He put it on and went to style his hair. Once he was done, he walked to the kitchen. He saw Jihoon was putting the bowls with food on the table. " Looks good ". Junkyu said and sat down. " That is why I am worried about the taste ". Jihoon said and both of them laughed.

" Let's try it ". Junkyu said and they both ate a spoonful. They chewed silently and looked up at each other. They burst out laughing. " It is good ". Junkyu confirmed. " I still can't believe it ". Jihoon said eating another spoonful. Junkyu chuckled. " You just think too much ". Jihoon nodded and they continued eating.

Once they were done, both of them walked out of the house. Jihoon left a text to Hyunsuk saying they just started. The nice thing about the community was, no one was allowed to enter unless for delivery or other things. They knew Junkyu lived there and Jin made sure the security was a bit tighter than usual. So there are not going to be any reporters lingering around.

They got in the car and Jihoon drove out. " You will pick up Hyunsuk hyung right ? " Junkyu asked from the back seat. " Yeah. We will go to the office after picking him up ". " Did he tell if he had breakfast ? " " No ". Junkyu looked up. " You should've asked that then. If he didn't let's get him food and then we can go ".

Jihoon looked at Junkyu from the mirror and nodded. Junkyu went back to playing on his phone. Jihoon picked up Hyunsuk. " Hyung, did you eat ? " Jihoon asked. " Yeah. I did ". " Thank goodness. Your son here is nagging at me nonstop ". Hyunsuk chuckled. " Well my son definitely cares for me, right ? " Junkyu nodded.

Jihoon scoffed. " What about me then ? " Junkyu pouted. " I know you will eat no matter what ". " Yah ! " Jihoon yelled making Hyunsuk chuckle. " Did you both eat ? " " Yeah. We did ". Jihoon answered. He then drove to the same office he did before once again, Watanabe Enterprises. As soon as they entered, Yoshi was waiting for them again.

" Good morning ". He greeted them. The three of them returned the greeting. " Please follow me ". He took them to the same office again. Haruto looked up and smiled when he saw them. " Please sit down ". The three of them sat down opposite him. " You don't mind signing an agreement right ? " Junkyu shook his head.

Haruto nodded and Yoshi put forward a file. Hyunsuk picked it up and started looking through as Junkyu waited. " Is this for real ? " Hyunsuk asked after looking through. " Yes. You can plan the schedule accordingly ". Haruto answered. Junkyu was curious about it. " What is in it ? " He asked turning to Haruto.

" To put it briefly, there are three projects you will be doing which are under our production; two dramas and a movie to be precise. The dramas are both from good directors and the movie is from a newbie but I heard it is going to be a good one. You will be cast as the main lead for all three of them. There will be a few magazine photo shoots too. This is not new for you I guess ".

Haruto said it all in one go. Junkyu was shocked. " All of this in exchange for being your lover ? " " Yes. I only told you the main details. For other things, you can look through the file ". Haruto answered and went back to his file. Junkyu just sat as the other two looked through it. They finished checking it and gave it to Junkyu.

Junkyu picked up the pen to sign it. " You don't want to look through ? " Jihoon asked. " You did right ? " Junkyu asked back. Hyunsuk nodded. " Then ? " Junkyu started signing without any hesitation. Haruto smiled. " I want to hire an assistant for you. But I decided to ask you before doing so ". Junkyu stopped and looked up from the file.

" I don't need anyone ". " Are you sure ? " Junkyu sighed and pointed to Jihoon. " You see him. He can handle like a 100 people in a fight; verbally or physically. He is more than enough for me. His punches are no joke too. Want to try once ? " Haruto shook his head. " No thank you ". Junkyu looked down and continued to sign.

Junkyu was exaggerating but Jihoon was definitely very capable of handling things for him. He didn't need anyone extra. For office or paper work, Hyunsuk was always there to help him. So he didn't want a new person. He didn't like the idea of doing so. He finished signing and picked up another one to do the same.

Once he was done, he put them aside. " Done ". Haruto put one aside and gave the other file to Hyunsuk. " Thanks for the cooperation. I look forward to it ". Haruto said. Junkyu smiled and stood up. Haruto also stood up and extended his hand. " We will be seeing each other more often I guess. So see you again ". Junkyu shook his hand and they left.


They signed it. Woohoo.

I seriously have nothing to speak about.

My week just went by with studies and a few paintings here and there. That was all that happened. Haha.

MScPhysicscreators' thoughts
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