
Ch 35: The Woman from the Carriage

Even though she was sitting straight and proper, she gave off a seductive aura.

Baldeur also noticed that the incense burning in the room was the kind that lowered one's mental defenses. It was unlikely that others his age would be able to recognize this effect.

"Please have a seat young hero." The saintess said.

Baldeur was directed to sit on the opposite end of the couch.

An attendant that had a figure very similar to the saintess served them both tea. This also had the side effect of lowering people's mental defenses.

"Tell me young Baldeur, what is the City of Gates like?" After a few sips she asked her first question.

"From your perspective, I'd say it is strange. The sky has more stars in colors you have never seen. The daylight is artificial and stationary, so shadows don't move through the day. And there are no places of natural nature. They try but the parks just don't feel right." Baldeur said.

The saintess seemed to be very disappointed. She also subtly moved a little closer to him.

"You're the first one I've asked that has had a negative opinion of your city." She said.

"I never said it was bad, just strange for those who haven't lived it. If you ever make it to the city, look me up and I'll show you where the city truly shines." Baldeur said.

"And what about the Source Winds? I've heard they're beautiful." She asked while moving closer to him.

"Oh they are saintess. For those of us with multiple Sources, they are even more beautiful. What Sources do you have?" He asked.

"Unfortunately the seven spirits didn't bless me with a Source. And please call me Veneris." She said.

"Oh. That shouldn't be an issue. There's usually always at least one wind that is strong enough for even Sourceless to see." Baldeur said.

There were a few moments of silence as they just sipped their tea.

"I understand that you are on a search and rescue mission in the inner passes. The prophecy that you are attached to, takes place in the Hoernter mountain range. What are your thoughts on the matter?" Veneris asked.

"Truthfully, I'm not convinced your prophecies are real. Neither Mana and Anodular have abilities that allow for that specific long term foresight. Short term and vague foresight isn't unheard of with them but not long term." Baldeur said.

After a pause he continued.

"The Source that has the best long term prediction abilities is actually Divinus. But that Source isn't found in this world, so I'm not sure I can put any faith into your sacred texts." He tried to see if there was any reaction from her.

"Perhaps your knowledge of what is possible in the universe is more limited than you know." She replied without giving anything away and moved closer to him.

Baldeur's knowledge was more than likely greater than all but a few ancient monsters that lived in the City of Gates. But he wasn't arrogant enough to think that he knew everything. He was hoping that insulting her religion would have a greater reaction than that.

"Even though you don't believe in our sacred texts, what will you do if you are confronted with an evil that only you can take care of?" Veneris asked.

"I'm not really sure. There are six people in our group and I just might be the weakest. Our leader Piaras would definitely be able to handle anything that I could.

"Beyond that, I'm not really concerned with the safety of this world. If I have no other choice, I'll do what I can, but there are few people that I'd purposely risk my life for." Baldeur was honest but was also hoping to get some sort of rise out of her.

In the end she just moved a little closer and asked.

"What does one have to do to become someone that you'd be willing to risk your life for?" She reached out and stroked his cheek.

With that touch, he felt a bit of Infernius enter his body. The charm of her sin of Lust compelled him to answer honestly.

"Trust. I need to believe that they would do the same for me."

"Maybe in the future I can be one of those people." She moved her face close to his as more Lust entered his body, clouding his thoughts.

"Of course. I would love for us to have that kind of a relationship." Baldeur replied.

"When you are in the inner passes head to a town called Murfen." As her charm spell entered his mind, he could see where in the mountains it was.

"I'll do whatever it takes to get there." He said.

"Once there, uncover what they are hiding." She said.

"Whatever you desire." He said.

After pausing for a moment she lifted her veil, leaned in, and gave him a tender kiss. As she did, Baldeur felt an Infernius curse rise from her body and try to affect him. She broke the kiss just before it could.

She gently stroked his cheek as the charm he was experiencing tried to make him continue the kiss.

"If only I could. Out of all of them, I find you the most interesting." Veneris said.

She moved away from him and released the active charm, leaving only the subconscious order she gave him.

"Young hero, it has been a pleasure to meet you. I hope that we can interact more in the future." Veneris said.

"I look forward to it." Baldeur replied.

After he left the room, Veneris slumped back into the couch and pulled out an Inferius stone to refill her Source energy.

"He was a lot stronger than I would have thought." Veneris said.

"Maybe that means that he'll be the one to fulfill your wish?" Her attendant said.

"I hope so. Then I can finally leave this accursed world." Veneris said.

She didn't think it mattered if he was able to fulfill the prophecy. If he failed, either her father or Sansone would fulfill her wish. If he succeeded, she'd be free and could use him to get to the City of Gates.

What surprised her was that she was hoping that he would succeed.

As Piaras and Beldeur left the cathedral, a spell deep within Baldeur's mind started to attack the charm that had been placed on him.

It had a few conditions for it to activate. One was that he was away from the caster, in order to not give away that the charm was being undone. Of course if he or those he considered friends were in danger, it would activate right away.

From the depths of his mind a few thoughts began to form.

'How dare she!'

'As if I can really be controlled.'

'Who does she think I am?'

Pride began to fill his mind as his Infernius Source tore apart the charm. How could such a puny spell affect someone as great as him.

"And that was?" Piaras asked.

It was obvious to someone with his experience that there was a change within Baldeur. Maybe he needed to change the conditions of the anti charm spell activation to when he was alone.

He decided to be a bit honest with his leader. If things took a wrong turn, it would save time if he didn't need to explain everything.

"My parents got a spell placed on my mind to resist mind control. The saintess tried to influence me." Baldeur said.

"What was she trying to achieve?" Piaras asked.

"There's a town in the inner passes that she wanted me to go to. Apparently there's a secret that she wants me to uncover." Baldeur said.

"Hmm. It seems they are determined to get that prophecy fulfilled." Piaras said.

"Sigh, I really don't want to deal with this." Baldeur said.

"Yeah, me neither." Piaras said.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Garthedescreators' thoughts
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