
Zeph's Air Taxi Service

There is a time for rest and a time for work. To that end all things must end, good, bad, or indifferent, time stood still for no man. Not even one blessed after greatly as Zeph. 

For once he cursed the durability of his issued radio as Norton Coats' voice came out of it as it sat next to him in the sauna.

"Administrator Demonbane, I hate to be the one to inform you of the good news, but we crossed the green line according to the latest updates to our location data, and the teams sent out in the midget subs returned from the meal they had on your fancy boat that can sink on purposes twenty minutes ago."

"Understood. If I stayed in his sauna any longer I would likely find myself in the company of angels. Have my team prep the CC A1 Halo for takeoff, and have your boys pull the Dragonfly drone out of whatever crate it got stuffed into. I will be there in ten minutes or so."

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