
Duty calls

Allison was right they should go down and rescue Zimbo from the reporters and use it as a way to put him on the spot so that he couldn't exactly say no to cooking for them during the media circus that would be their wedding. That and he did have a sense of duty telling him he should do what he could for the first friend he made in this new world he found himself in.

Grabbing Allison's hand Zeph gave it a little squeeze and walked toward the telapod pad hand in hand. 

He wasn't thinking about what to say once he got down to the first floor or if he was the one who was going to have to give Los Diablos First Action News a tour of the HQ while talking about Street Tacos and how he met Allison Krishna. No Zeph was thinking about who leaked the information about him and Allison Krishna officially becoming engaged. 

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