
Sal, you want a new boss?

"Oh, it is you Laxana, but Zeph said to shoot anyone who entered that wasn't him. So am I supposed to shoot you? Is he testing me?"

"Do you want me to cuff you once I get back off the floor?"

"Wait! No! Don't shoot me! I'm just here for a massage. Zeph bought me one as a reward for my getting my first arrest. Sonya said she only wanted pets from him. He still has to deal with the handover."

"Shhhh. Let me enjoy the last thirty minutes of this massage or I am going to tell Siael that we agreed she could have Zeph all to herself until it is time for dessert and sleep."

Krynienne just eyed Laxana giving her the stinky eye because she was going to be getting a nice relaxing massage while she was stuck with her grandmother going over the finer points of whatever deals she struck with one of the dignitaries over the video call that made a decent chunk of her massage less relaxing.

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