
Ascension Amidst the Ice Spiders’ Assault      

Potato's sudden halt sent a ripple of unease through the group, prompting Ren to echo the sentiment. "What's the holdup?"


Desira's frustration was palpable as she voiced her complaint. "Are we there yet?" she grumbled impatiently.


Azazel chimed in with his carefree tone. "This isn't the top yet," he reminded them.


Iraelyn's sharp observation added to the growing tension. "We're probably on a toilet break," she suggested, her tone serious.


Malifira, however, had a different explanation. She pointed upwards and directed everyone's attention to the sky. "That's not it. Look up there."


As their gazes followed Malifira's indication, they beheld a mesmerizing sight: tiny spider-like creatures descending from the peaks above. Their crystalline bodies glistened in the sunlight, casting a surreal glow against the icy landscape.


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