
Love, Potions, and Jealousy           

Azazel sighed in relief as he savored a hearty meal in the bar. "You really saved us back there. I thought we were done for."

Lorelai was nursing a bottle of beer, and retorted, "And whose fault was it that we almost bit the dust?"

Apologizing with a grin that betrayed no remorse, Desira nonchalantly admitted, "My bad. Oops."

However, any semblance of sorry wasn't on her face as Desira clung to Azazel, her expression lacking the remorse her words suggested. She seemed utterly lovestruck, rubbing her cheeks against Azazel's arm like an overenthusiastic cat.

Vivi, not one to mince words, took a swig of her beer. "Hey, Desira, could you maybe not squeeze Lord Azazel as if you're trying to suffocate him?"

Completely oblivious to the comment, Desira only tightened her hold on Azazel, declaring, "Suffocate him with my love! Kya!"

Elena was observing the spectacle, and turned to Vivi and asked, "Is he always subjected to this?"

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