

With a frustrated glare, Desira recovered from the temporary paralysis. 

In a swift and furious motion, she lashed out at Bubbles. 

The air cracked as Desira struck with deadly precision, and Bubbles, unable to evade the sudden attack, met its end in one shot.

"Bubbles!" Evie's shout echoed through the mist-laden air, but her pet was already recovering, relegated to her pet menu with just one HP left. It would take a grueling 24 hours for Bubbles to fully recuperate and could be summoned again.

"What happened?" Lorelai asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"It didn't get the key?" Elena voiced her bafflement, mirroring the sentiment shared by the rest of the captive group.

"Fools!" Desira's scathing voice cut through the air. "There is no key! This jail bends to my will! Didn't I mention that in the first place?"

Lorelai tilted her head to the side. "She did?"

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