
The Second Task      

Ren and Elena confronted the Thief. The warehouse was roughly 50 x 50 meters and was lit by moonlight braziers, most of which had gone out. Wooden carts and carriages filled the warehouse, creating several walls within.

At the back of the warehouse was Lydia El'Ranatoth, wearing the stolen slippers. Lydia was currently dancing the ballet while violently gasping and heaving. She looked ragged and exhausted. Her feet were bleeding.

She begged Ren and Elena as soon as she spotted them, "P-please . . . make the dancing stop!" she huffed.

Lydia explained the situation, catching her breath every few seconds. "I planned to curse the Queen using a magic scroll I acquired in the market, then return the cursed slippers in the hopes that they'd be given to the Queen and that she'd be cursed upon putting them on. Unfortunately, the curse backfired on me. Now, I am trapped in here, wearing this cursed slippers which are forcing me to dance until I die."


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