
Encounters in the Hedgegrove 1  

Their walk to the palace wasn't exactly a walk in the park. As they went through the Maze of Hedgegrove, Ren, and Elena encountered all sorts of things.

First, from rampaging topiary black bears flooding the streets, knocking over carts, and charging straight at them, which they easily defeated. Then a small gnome called for guards and claimed that they were the ones who caused them to go wild.

The Princess knocked the Gnome some sense and put on the scroll on display for the guards to view, and instead of taking them in, the guards took in the Gnome for questioning.

Apparently, the floating orbs that floated in the skies were like CCTV cameras. And the guards found out that it was the Gnome who caused all the ruckus to steal from shops while the commotion was going on.

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